Once I saw a video of a crowd of Jewish pple cursing out a Jewish woman for being with a black man.

They said they hoped she got raped for it.

In short those Jewish pple where racist.

Wuld it be okay for me to be antisemitic bcs of that? Call them slurs & wave the n@zi flag?
I've seen a lot of gay men be misogynist. I've seen WHITE gay men be racist AND misogynist.

Calling the female body a pile of rotting fish, especially when we're on our periods.

Is that a free pass for me to be a homophobe?

If I ever threw a homophobic slur wuld I be right?
Trans pple on this app have been both r@cist & misogynist.

A trans person once said he wanted to bash my brains in until they looked like cherry pie.

Is that an excuse for me to be transphobic? If I called for the death of all trans pple & threw trans slurs wuld I be justified?
MANY Asian pple are anti black. We've seen this.

We've seen them do black face. Abuse African immagrits. Beat them.

Try to blame Africa for covid19 and after all that, if I started throwing Asian slurs and spewed anti asian shit wuld that be acceptable? Wuld I be right?
With all that said. If some black pple hurt ur feelings or are decidedly anti-u.

They are homophobic or anti semetic, conservative, anti immagrit, misogynist, anti asian or even homophobic.

Wuld it be acceptable for YOU a non black person, to be r@cist? To throw slurs?
And this is a big question bcs something has been bothering me for the longest.

Once upon a time a young Jeffree Star was called a f*g by black women. He threw back the word n*gger at them. Yes. With a hard ER.

Later an older Jeffree Star wuld Call Jackie Aina a gorilla.
And still pple defend his behaviour.

So what if those black women where homophobic? He was racist. It doesn't make what he said or the thinking behind him saying it any less racist.

So what if he was mad at Jackie or whatever. I'm sure she was mad at him after she heard what
He said abt her.

Did she throw back homophobic slurs at him?

If she did would it be right? Acceptable?

I'm tired of pple making excuses for the hateful behavior of others.

I'm damn tired.
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