This thread is a mess like I don’t even know where to begin. But the fact that OP is hiding tweets countering white veganism just tells me they’re a performative activist. (Thread)
I’ll start with the actual tweet. White veganism is the problem. People who have the means to go vegan should absolutely do it and should be “shamed” because both people AND animals are dying/suffering because of animal agriculture which is also worsening climate change.
BIPOC vegans have been around forever but get virtually no platform. I wonder why. They’re speaking the truth and advocating for ALL lives. Human rights and animal rights. White vegans can’t top that morally but they’ll still act like they have the moral high ground...
...based on the fact that they’re vegan. When BIPOC vegans bring up real, urgent issues that could either be solved or remedied by eating more plant based, they’re speaking to those who have the money, access to grocery stores, aren’t disabled or chronically ill etc.
This brings me to people who can’t be vegan (me!) and the argument that just because you can do it everyone can do it. Bull fucking shit. I see yt vegans on here saying I have an eating disorder, I have this or that and I’m vegan so you can too. They don’t know anyone’s situation
And not knowing anyone’s situation in addition to the fact that not everyone’s disability or chronic illness manifests the same, there’s no way you can tell people who know what they can or can’t do that they can go vegan after saying they can’t.
On the flip side, veganism means doing the best you can right? So disabled folk might be able to eat mostly plant based and buy CF on occasion but not be 100% vegan. So that brings me to myself. I do what I can but I no longer call myself vegan because well, I don’t want to.
I’m disabled and chronically ill, I’m broke, & my closest grocery store that isn’t expensive asf is a few cities away. I have to eat what’s in the house when I can’t buy or cook my own food. We all just have to do what we can.
Basically, leftists need to stop talking shit about veganism because they don’t know wtf they’re talking about. White veganism is everyone’s issue and we can throw that shit away by listening to & uplifting the voices of Black & Indigenous vegans, disabled vegans, & poor vegans
Because saying blanket statements like OP, you’re doing the same shit you claim to hate. If they actually want to help marginalized communities, they’d be advocating for veganism to those who can do it, rather than being hostile.
Also, before I finish this thread, leftists should start doing their homework. BIPOC vegans been dropping links yet these leftists still wanna perpetuate the idea that veganism is inherently racist, classist, & ableist even with BIPOC vegans staring them in the face.
Edit: I don’t think remedied is the right word. I meant something more like “make less worse” rather than cure, but can’t recall the word for that.
For anyone who’s interested here’s 10 Black & Indigenous vegans/plant based folk I follow:

You can follow @aroundthesun17.
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