THREAD: Japan has some serious climate ambitions, and some even more serious zero-carbon electricity challenges. The latter are becoming existential for Japan Inc 1/
7/ Power generation is responsible for more emissions than any other sector of the country’s economy. That in and of itself is not unusual—the U.S. was in the same position until only a few years ago.
8/ But unlike the U.S., Japan’s power emissions are rising thanks to the shutdown of its nuclear fleet, while emissions from industry, transport, and the commercial and residential sectors have been falling for nearly 20 years.
9/ Japan's power generation emissions intensity—the amount of CO2 emitted for every unit of power generation—is also greater than that of other industrial, high-wage countries.
10/ Japan's power fleet’s emissions intensity is more than 2X that of the U.K., and more 8X that of France. It's greater than the EU-27 average too.
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