As we have seen, the new #roadmap is out, pushing (again & again) the limits of #DeFi ⚙️ by keeping safety as a priority ⚓️

There are a lot of new features to cover, so let's focus on main future developments ✅⚡️

Thread 🧐

⚜️ Value DeFi will Go Cross-chain

"Our vision is to help farmers and startups to further innovate within the DeFi space and we are committed to supporting the development of other ecosystems as well". 💡

@value_defi is collaborating with other projects to conduct intensive R&D to port $VALUE vaults and #FaaS technologies to other platforms in order to achieve a cross-chain initiative. 🤝

Details will be disclosed as each collaboration is finalized and made public. 📝

⚜️ Core Upgrade for #ValueLiquid

The internal proxy of @BalancerLabs will be replaced by an external router (like @UniswapProtocol ) - which could result in up to 70% cheaper gas fees for users 🔥💰

An easy-to-use "community developer interface" to facilitate the addition of new strategies for new staking token will also be created. ⚙️😌

⚜️ $vUSD #Lending Specifications

@value_defi team is working on lending and rebasing to finalize the plan - with strong knowledge individuals in the community (among @bigbirdvc & @WhoseForgotten). ⚡️

⚜️ #FaaS Phase 2.0

FaaS was invented with the vision of helping projects solve their liquidity and token distribution issues.💡

With Phase 2.0, @value_defi want to create a completely #decentralized #fundraising platform for new projects. 🤝

From #token creation from scratch for the project owners who wish simple fundraising mechanisms to #seedpools for initial distribution and #FaaS #pools for any desired liquidity mining program, #fundraising will never be easier using $VALUE #FaaS solution. 😌✅

New features: 🔥

✅ If a project owner follows a set of rules when creating a token from scratch, he will receive a #NFT deposited into an account giving @value_defi's safety approval 🔑

✅ Support for #deflationary #tokens 📈

✅ Ability to add new #liquidity #mining #rewards to an existing #pool beyond what was specified at the farm launch 🌱

✅ This means also means that an existing pool could have multiple #assets defined as a reward 🛍

In the current state, #FaaS usage is free of charge.

$VALUE holders in the #GovernanceVault could vote for those new #FaaS features to either be free or not. 🗳

All revenues from this will then go back to stakers in the Governance Vault. 💰

⚜️ Vaults-as-a-Service ( #VaaS)

@value_defi is poised to support a new trend in the #DeFi landscape. As new projects may need more farming pools, additional #vaults can be created very easily through #FaaS 😌⚙️

Standard, safe strategy code templates from other reputable projects and well-audited from reputable auditors will be utilized to mitigate risks 🔐

@value_defi team believe this service will empower many projects to enter #DeFi marketplace in a secure and efficient way.

⚜️ Improving MultiStables Vault

@value_defi team made some progress on the new IOU token. A new VIP vote for the fee structure and the compensation plan will be posted this later week. ⏳

@value_defi continue to work with @chainlink & @CurveFinance security teams to prevent price rate manipulation. 🤝

Once implementation is complete, it will be reviewed by @chainlink & a reputable auditor.

#MultiStablesVault will then reopen & support new stable coins.

⚜️ Concerning:

- Upgrade #CompositeVaults to v2
- MultiStaking Vault + External Strategy Customization
- $ETH 2.0 Staking Vault
- Vault v2 upgrade for $WETH vault
- MultiBTC Vault
- New $BOND Stables Vault

Please see the following article ⬇️

In brief,


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