HHS just released a plan to improve maternal health in the U.S., with goal of reducing the maternal mortality rate by 50%, reducing low-risk C-sections by 25% and achieving 80% of women of reproductive age with hypertension having controlled blood pressure by 2025. Some thoughts:
Maternal health has received bipartisan interest in the last few years. In 2018, Congress passed $60 million to help states shore up data collection on maternal healths. And members of Congress, including VP-Elect @KamalaHarris, have intro'd additional legislation since then
The House recently passed a bill that would allow states to extend Medicaid coverage for women 1 year postpartum, up from standard 60 days. But @ChelseaCirruzzo notes it appears the new HHS plan supports coverage just for women with substance use disorder https://twitter.com/ChelseaCirruzzo/status/1334506526158041089
The HHS action plan lays out 4 goals (improve health for women of reproductive age, healthy pregnancy/births, better data, improved postpartum care) and notes disparities associated with each goal. https://aspe.hhs.gov/system/files/aspe-files/264076/healthy-women-healthy-pregnancies-healthy-future-action-plan_0.pdf
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