Endometriosis affects 1 in 10 women
TRUE: Endometriosis is a chronic condition where tissue similar to the womb lining grows elsewhere, such as the ovaries and fallopian tubes

Symptoms include:

Painful periods
Pain during/after intercourse
Pain with bowel movements/urination
Excessive bleeding
20% of people visited their GP more than 10 times before diagnosis
FALSE: It's 58%

“It goes back hundreds of years to women being treated as inferior humans. The majority of medical testing is done on white males. It’s ingrained in our society & the medical system that women have periods & they hurt & that’s just what it is,” says @BeccaFowles
The average time it takes a woman to receive a diagnosis is eight years
TRUE: The All-Party Political Group inquiry found 53% of people attended A&E with symptoms of endometriosis before diagnosis
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