So now we have a certified Serologic testing of Red Cross US blood donations to identify SARS-CoV-2-reactive antibodies, and that battery of testing shows widespread presence of SARS-CoV-2-reactive antibodies in donations made between December 2019-January 2020
According to the new CDC findings 39 blood samples from the state of California Washington and Oregon between Dec 13 - Dec 16, 2019, showed SARS-CoV-2-reactive antibodies present and according to the experts it takes a minimum of 60-90 days for those to develop.
That means that Covid was present on the US continent as early as mid October if not earlier. Now officially the first COVID-19 infection was reported on Jan 19, 2020 in a male traveler returning from Wuhan China to Seattle.
Now at the time no one in the US had even heard of COVID-19, and hell the WHO/China didn’t even acknowledge its existence until Dec 31, 2019 and yet every one of those 39 samples that tested positive for the coronavirus antibodies prove different.
If you want a copy of this study and not have to buy it, here's a free copy I have uploaded. 
Here's my problem right off the top, y'all remember who Dr Robert Redfield is right? The director of the CDC since March 2018. How soon did this guy actually know that SARS-CoV-2 was present on US Soil? This main has consistently contradicted @realDonaldTrump in 2020
Historically the CDC during pandemics start checking blood supplies at the beginning of a suspected pandemic, not the end of it, they begin screen samples from, the major US Blood Banks that make up the strategic Blood/Plasma reserves in the US.
They check the American Red Cross, America's Blood Centers, Blood Centers of America, Alliance for Community Transfusion Services, and Vitalant (formerly Blood Systems Inc.). That gives them a baseline for ground zero for the disease in question.
So what happened here really? Why were the normal protocols not followed? Why has the Director of the CDC & the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, been flip flopping positions, resisting at every turn?
Redfield and Fauci have fought tooth and nail with the President. Said things behind closed doors then run to the media and contradicted White House announcements constantly, only to have to backtrack after the fact under scrutiny.
Was this a politically engineered & weaponized attack on the US Economy, that was historically booming, an attempt to grab power over a voter base that was finally seeing independence from Gov't, & to take down a sitting @POTUS sure to be re-elected?
The more I dig into this the more it all is now making sense and these Serologic test results are the key that puts all that's happened in 2020 come together to draw a picture of what really happened.
Reviewing this report it shows the CDC found more positive samples from blood test taken the beginning beginning at the end of December and they found them in many other parts of the country across the country Michigan Iowa Massachusetts.
So this wasn't just isolated to the West coast. Also analysis tests in other countries show earlier spread of SARS-CoV-2 spread to Italy as early as last September and then South America two months later in November
So clearly what we have been told for almost a year is not true, & why are we just getting this now a month after a presidential election? Answer, what was the NUMBER ONE Biden talking point against @realDonaldTrump? His handling of COVID-19!
What was the motivation for this mass mail in balloting scam the swamp inflicted on the taxpayers of the United States? COVID-19

We've had reliable SARS-CoV-2-reactive antibody tests readily available since this summer, & we're just now getting this info?
Also they want us to believe no one thought to test red cross blood samples until now? Sorry I'm just not buying it. This was weaponized against the citizens on the republic, damn the collateral damage, and what's a few losses, when a power grab is more important?
Why aren't elected officials demanding a coherent account of this in the United States and how it spread across our population when we now know that that all we've been told in the past was crap
It's like nobody seems to care or like the officials are too busy enjoying their newfound power people being able to shut down businesses at will when they feel like it, or corralling people like livestock and making them comply!
Congress claims they were caught completely by surprise and Fauci gives them cover and has all year year long. Two days before the classified briefing almost no one attended Fauci said this pack of lies, and act like no big deal.
He claimed it came from an animal, which we know now is crap. @SenTomCotton called him out on it, said it was nonsense, that it didn't come from bats or the Wuhan Wet Market, and the Swamp called him a conspiracy theorist and a nut job.
Dr Tony Fauci pushed back & reassured Americans you can trust the Chinese government wet market to contain the COVID-19 virus. But that’s not what happened & China has never been someone you trust especially what they are told us about this illness.
So Dr Fauci is basically a well functioning Chinese propagandist & @realDonaldTrump should make certain that he never work on public health policy again. China being transparent was a load of crap.
I tweeted back in Jan 2020 when a Harvard Professor & 2 Chinese Nationals were charged in 3 separate China related cases with attempting to smuggle 21 vials of biological research to Wuhan China, that it's possible a bio-weapon was being stolen.
Of course I was called a Tin Foil hat nutbag Trumper but that case was charged, indicted and vanished like a teenage girls virginity on prom night. Dr. Charles Lieber has faded into the white noise of the Pandemic
But what was Dr Charles Lieber research background? Lieber was a “Strategic Scientist” at Wuhan University of Technology in China. He later became a contractual participant in China’s Thousand Talents Plan from at 2011 thru 2017, all while tenured at Harvard.
So the DOJ charges Lieber with providing false statements and that's it? While two of his Chinese National PA's are caught walking out 21 vials of stuff at Boston Airport, mind you they'd been here working for him for two years, how many other runs did they make?
On January 8 2020 the Chinese government released a message thru the WHO “preliminary identification of a novel virus in a short period of time is a notable achievement and demonstrates Chinese increase capacity to manage new outbreaks"
In other words the WHO insinuates we should be thanking the government of China for their handling of COVID-19 they also said “an investigation was conducted by the Chinese authorities found no clear evidence of human to human transmission of COVID-19
More dangerous propaganda by the WHO & the Chinese, but did the media question any of this? Hell no, instead the American media as a group amplified the message, and tried to legitimize it.
Instead they were too busy labeling @realDonaldTrump a racist & xenophobe for calling it a Chinese virus that came from China. Not sure that fits my definition of racist. Even Joe Biden said it was Trump's fault that Americans were dying from the virus
The MSM kept saying it’s America’s fault for Trump's handling of it, and it’s your fault for not complying to our idiot mask mandates and shutdowns. Stop asking questions and just believe the Science!
Tom Cotton was right it had nothing whatsoever to do with that animal market. US media was covering it up, Australian television knew it had nothing to do with the pangolin or bats or the wet market.
Hong Kong scientist Dr. Li-Meng Yan believes the Chinese government knew about COVID-19 well before it claimed it did, Fox News interviewed her.
She said she knew that in her own country she would be punished possibly killed for saying so so she came here to to avoid that. But Twitter and Facebook sensored her story protecting the Chinese government she was exposing.
The Swamp was weaponizing this COVID-19 to seize back their power and influence the Presidential Election. Big Tech could not let the truth about COVID get out and make what Trump had been saying for months was true.
When the truth began to leak through the blacklisting, WaPo and Bob Woodward came with the Story that Trump tried to downplay how bad the Virus really was. Trump said he didn't want to cause panic, Biden said the public wouldn't have panicked
Of course I'm old enough to remember when there was almost two months you couldn't buy toilet paper or basic supplies! Guess what, it's happening again because of the media hype and the threat of lockdowns under Biden.
You can follow @RoscoeBDavis1.
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