The latest HSE Briefing kicking off now.
Paul Reid: Everyone being given a lift by loosening of restrictions...

We're looking into winter in three phases of risk: this weekend (restaurants, gastro pubs opening), between next week and 18th (more people meeting), 18th-New Years (risk at its highest - mixing in homes)
Reid makes the point that close contacts in the period up to the 18th could very well "ruin Christmas" for some people. Be careful is the message.
Reid on this weekend: We'd be encouraging everyone to keep heightened level of guard at all stages... it's not just about in pubs/restaurants - it's travel, it's being around friends - people's guard can drop.
⚠️ Between now and the 18th, Reid says: The risk increases again... during this period someone can become infected or become a close contact. Then you're into a phase of being isolated for Christmas Day.

That could ruin many families' Christmas. Huge caution needed.
Intergenerational mixing at Christmas Day tables and in homes is a big risk for the Health Service. HSE's concern is that there would be high cases and more hospital cases coming through around Christmas.

That would coincide with hospials' busiest time of the year.
Reid: A lot of commentary about lockdown in January - my message is: it doesn't HAVE TO be that way. If people act cautiously, we can avoid that.

"Be on your highest level of guard over December - enjoy yourselves but let's practice a safe Christmas."
💉 NEW - Vaccines

HSE CEO Paul Reid: It's given all of us a 'great level of hope' in the health service.

Strategy on rollout delivered by next week.

#COVID19 @VirginMediaNews
Reid says the HSE will be helping with working out where vaccines will be delivered, workforces, supply chain, technology and the surveillance and monitoring post-vaccination.

Reid says 'all going well' - it's realistic to expect Ireland to commence vaccination in the early days of January 2021.

Advanced Purchase agreements on five different vaccines for Ireland - and will add a sixth.

Acquiring ~16 million doses.

#COVID19 @VirginMediaNews

Storage temperature for Pfizer/BioNTech is a challenge - HSE took delivery of 9 ultra-low temp freezers.

Vaccine will NOT be first line of defence however. It will be some time before it's our main line of defence.
Reid says there's a big risk of the public perceiving the arrival of vaccine as a let off.

Really important to continue to follow guidance and public health advice.
233 #COVID19 patients in hospital.
31 in ICU.

Dropping down in recent weeks - HSE wants it to continue to drop.

46 ICU beds available.
Outbreaks in hospitals: 9 total at moment. 733 total staff off work as cases or close contacts.

Situation "improving" in some hospitals: Naas in particular.

It's, however, a key cause of concern.

"This week, we'll reach 2 million tests total completed. That's quite a strong milestone to have achieved."
. @AnneOConnorhse now.

48% increase in flu vaccinations processed year-on-year.
Given the crisis in public health and the pay situation for student nurses and more besides... this will likely get a big airing in Questions for the HSE today.
51 residents in self-isolation in CityWest.

90 Health Care Workers who need to quarantine too.
Nursing Homes:

19 in Amber category.
3 in Red category (down from 7 last week).

102 open outbreaks in long term care settings.
Colm Henry highlighting the good progress being made in driving down #COVID19 transmission:

5 day moving average is 275 - it was 924 on October 26th.

We're "roughly" averaging a fifth of the daily cases we saw at the end of October.
You can see here how the proportion of cases amongst HCWs has changed over the last number of months.
Community transmission is the biggest indicator of cases in care homes and hospital settings. "Once it's in there, it's very difficult to eradicate."

"I would urge everyone to continue to play their part in protecting our hospitals and healthcare workers."
HSE aims to boost lab capacity for testing to 25,000 per day by the end of the year.

It's currently a 20,000.
HSE says new community lab is being built and will be open by early 2021.

It says it has offshore capacity (IE German labs) but that's not currently needed.
HSE says antigen testing validation is underway - it's being used currently in meat plants, hospital outbreaks and among vulnerable groups. Nearly there to pick the best antigen test for use.
Testing and tracing WILL continue throughout the Christmas period (in case you were wondering).

30,000 tests - 760 positives out of mass testing.
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