Trump and his propagandists have been laying the groundwork for these narratives for years. Roger Stone coined the term “Stop the Steal” in 2016. Trump was grooming OANN to replace Fox in January 2017.
Roger Stone posted this on FB in the summer of 2018 setting up a narrative about the 2018 midterms being “rigged.”
The now-ubiquitous, MAGA term “deep state” seems to have entered the American political lexicon in the months between Trump’s election and his inauguration, and taken off like a rocket since then.
Same basic timing for a he distinctively Trumpian use of the propagandistic phrase “fake news.”
The “watch OANN not lying Fox” narrative has also been in the works since early 2017 when almost no one had even heard of OANN.
One figure who turns up in most of the threads above is Dan Bongino, one of the people involved with Parler.
This is not some vast conspiracy. It’s just a bunch of cynical grifters recognizing that Trump’s base was comprised of easily duped marks who they could manipulate and monetize in order to gain more wealth and power. This is such basic and stupid propaganda. But it works.
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