
This photo is of me in St John's ward, Crumlin Children's Hospital (circa 2006).

Unsurprisingly, I was a frequent flyer in hospital around this time and I got to know how things worked in there pretty well.
Probably sounds cheesy, but it's the people in there that stand out more than any memories of needles and IV drips.

Be it a young medical student who takes time out to talk video games or a porter who makes you laugh en route to surgery, those little moments keep you sane.
That said, the single most important role in a hospital is that of a nurse.

They would break their back to get you up on your feet (I wasn't a small lad), but they're also the ones who bring a cup of tea to a worried mom whose son is in theatre, or give a hug after bad news.
I still have a mug at home that a nurse gave to me when I was at my absolute lowest. It has a photo of her and me printed on the front and it absolutely meant the world to me at the time.

That kind of gesture isn't something you can really put a price tag on.
There were times when I genuinely felt as though I was losing touch with regular life.

I would become so obsessed with my own problems that it took a nurse making light conversation to remember that simply talking to someone can make everything feel that bit better.
If you were to ask my mom (a former nurse herself) what got her through it all, she would unquestionably give the same answer:

I had hoped that this pandemic would help people realise how irreplaceable the work of nursing staff is without them needing to go into hospital.

I don't think this government truly represents the people of Ireland, but the decision made last night was still made on our behalf.
That decision was to maintain the baffling practice of not paying student nurses. The people we will rely on for years to come.

So not only are we asking them to learn these vital skills in the middle of a pandemic, but we won't be paying them for it either.
It breaks my heart that kids are going through similar situations to mine whilst a pandemic robs so many of those little moments of humanity that keep you sane.

We need to let nurses know how much of an impact their efforts have, and I don't think wages are a step too far.
There's no debate to be had here. Fucking pay the student nurses.

Remember this vote the next time you hear someone say Leo Varadkar and Simon Harris have been compassionate leaders or are any different to Fianna Fáil.

Remind your parents of this vote in the next election.
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