
Why QUALITY of sleep matters?

Courtesy: @BeerBicepsGuy @LukeCoutinho17

- Healing happens in a deep state of rest whether it is emotional, mental or physical.

- Muscle tears due to lifting weights, recovery and muscle growth happen in deep sleep.

- Most of fat not burn-in gym but in deep sleep.

- The detoxification of the body can be done only in the state of deep sleep.

- The brain shrinks by 60% during sleep, which allows space between the cells and cerebral spinal fluid to infuse and remove toxins.

- Without quality sleep you will feel fatigued, you'll feel brain Fogg which stimulates you to use stimulants like coffee.

- No food for at least 2 hours before bed. Late-night food increases acidity which directly affects our sleep.

- No screen light or gadgets for 45 to 60 min before bed. Screen light reduces the secretion of the sleep-inducing hormone.

- Most importantly, Human is only species on the globe which sacrifices their sleep for being social.
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