πŸ‘€ Political Assasinations πŸ‘€


Auther of Behold a Pale Horse. Bill predicted 911 and the Plan to pin it on Osama Bin Laden to push forth A One World Gov. Bill was 187'd by Undercover Agents on his own Lawn. He predicted his own death as well.
πŸ‘€ Political Assasinations πŸ‘€


Phil was a DHS whistleblower who tried to expose Obama's Lock step policy with the MB , the Book he wrote was called "See Something Say Nothing" shortly after testifying to senate , Haney was Suicided to keep him quiet.
πŸ‘€ Political Assasinations πŸ‘€

15. Chester Bennington

Singer of Linkin Park which is a misspelling of Lincoln Park Military base in Canada. (Child experimentation) Some say the son of Skippy. Chester was red scarfed while trying to expose pedophilia via documentary .
πŸ‘€ Political Assasinations πŸ‘€

16. Chris Cornell

BF of Chester Bennington, also was working on a documentary to expose Pedophilia in the industry . For this he was also a Red Scarf 187. Looking at some of his lyrics you will see the Truth. Both He & chester were ritual Murders.
πŸ‘€ Political Assasinations πŸ‘€

17. Kate Spade

Worked for CF and was in charge of shipping LLC and incoming shipments [Haiti] she was a loose end that also was 187'd Via Red Scarf ritual. Her husband was seen with the red scarf Doorknob Symbolism to confirm the killing.
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