So this is how to be kind to students and faculty (in the form of self-care). Some suggestions to extend that same kindness to staff. *Thread*
No-meeting days. Just declare a day where there are no meetings. Repeatedly. Look, even if students and faculty have checked out, we know there’s still work for staff. But we have zoom and meeting fatigue, too.
Comp-time generosity: look, we’ve all been working above and beyond, maybe recognize that by giving back some “comp time” to you staff. Just, hey, everyone can pick a day or two off as “comp time”.
Paid vacation days: look this is an admin thing, I get it, but really, do we all need to be working from Dec 21-24? Really? Typically, we’d roll into the office at 10am, have a three-hour “team building” lunch and call it a day. Why not just...give us the days?
Finally, faculty, please advocate for staff. You see “month off” and we actually get like, two extra days. Maybe work together for equity, especially today.
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