My mental health: I was always a very happy child, up until I was 6, a traumatic event happened which caused me to get panic attacks. At that point the bullying started and I got depressed at 8 years old, a major depression. I was incredibly scared, in pain, didn't want to go...
to school anymore. I even hid under my bed, and cried so much. At this age I also didn't want to live anymore, can you imagine someone so young to feel that way? I've dealt with those thoughts for years and years. The bullying stopped when I was 18. One time even the police had..
to get involved. And I was getting panic attacks more often, slipped into another major depression, and was getting more isolated. Throughout all of this I've always had someone to talk to at school, and eventually at 13 I started therapy. Which helped, but I never talked about..
what happened when I was 6. That came out later in trauma therapy. At 20 my life was different, I had constant derealization, my whole world was a dream, in a bad way. Nothing seemed real. I thought I was dying, I thought I was ill. 24/7 panic attacks, for months on end...
Another major depression, of course 😔 After three months, and a lot of visits to the doctor I wanted to get the help I needed. So not long after that I started group therapy, 5 days a week from 9 to 3, for a year. Got on meds, felt stronger, but I also hid the fact that I have..
an ED, my main focus was the panic disorder (that came with a great deal of other stuff) and depression. 1 year, thought I was good. And slipped back. My bed, my panic attacks, another major depression, and everyday I thought I was going to die, 24/7...
Back to therapy for me! 6 months of group therapy for anxiety, panic, I didn't last long, because I fell back again. Into a depression and my panic disorder. But I met someone, yes in therapy, I was 22, we chatted every day, and went for it..
I got new meds, they worked, my rationship was great.. I thought. I moved out, got my diploma as a certified mua and sfx artist. And also had gotten trauma therapy, which was so amazing. Fast forward to 2020, 28, moved back to Friesland 💃🏻 because where I lived, I was..
not doing okay. No, I didn't live with my then boyfriend, first boyfriend, first relationship, now 5 years together.. And turned out he was actually gradually manipulating/gaslighting me.. I also was sexually harassed several times by different random people in that time...
a lot of traumatic events happened. And also, I got out of that relationship after 5 and a half years, I could finally breathe again. And met someone, we've been together for 6 months as of Sunday, and he's everything I've wanted ❤️ But now I'm dealing with panic attacks..
still, derealization, agoraphobia, pmdd, and I'm a hypochondriac, and on top of that dealing with the trauma that I've gotten in my past relationship. But I'm strong, and I can do anything, I'm healthy, have loving friends and family, and the best boyfriend ever, support ❤️
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