📌 Let's say that you want to start with content creation and you don't have pre-built audience on any platform. Which is a case for some people.

In this thread I want to share what problems you will face (and how to solve them, maybe?)🧵
1. "Who's this again?"

Unfortunately, no one cares. Literally no one cares.

Until you get some feasible amount of following you will be not noticed. It can be a month, it can be a year or it can be a day. Even if you are PhD in quantum computing. Still no one cares.
How to survive the "Who's this again?" phase?

Well a lot of people can say just be consistent with what you're doing.

I will say be the most talkative in the room. Get as many connections as possible. Do the unscalable things. 100 friends is better then 10 articles.
2. "Well I'm just starting, I can do it for exposure"

If you're planning to monetize your content, do it from the beginning. And when I say from the beginning it can mean from 100 subs or 1000, or 2000.

The thing here is to show that this is your job. And work is not free.
Working for exposure can be a good boost in the beginning. However, clearly establish what are you working for.

Blog post for being a guest on the podcast, a cross promotion in each others newsletters.

Link in your content or somewhere that you publish is a currency.
3. "Everyone is so cool online. I'll share all my plans here"

We say that when someone copies your idea it's a validation. The part that no one is mentioning it fucking sucks. Online it's very common. People can steal your ideas, and you have to be fine with it to some extent.
Don't open your cards. Especially if there's power imbalance.

If you suspect that someone stole your content double check if you have any receipts and CONFRONT THE PERSON!

You'll get advice that it's fine, just continue to hustle, but no. I urge you to speak on it.
4. "I will be lucky person who became viral"

Hate to break it to you, but no.
The sad part is that the people who got viral are either:
1. really lucky they got picked up by algorithm or curator,
2. had an audience.

It's a betting game, and the odds are not in your favour.
Going viral is not the point here. It's important to go viral in the niche you are in, not in the abstract hackernews.

Pick your platforms and communities carefully. So you'll be surrounded by your people and your passion.
5. "I'll just be active online. I don't need sales funnel"

Haha, oh my dear. No you do. Of course being an active member of a community is great. However, you can't be online 24/7. You can't talk to everyone everywhere, it's just not scalable.
Being active member of indiehackers or producthunt doesn't mean you have a sales funnel in place.

It just means that you are sharing your journey on those platforms, which can (or can't) be picked up with your potential customers.

But still, not a funnel.
6. "What's the moral of the story?"

Be load, constantly evaluate your journey. Treat it as a job.

I guess that's it :)
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