What does Bush have in common with Grant, Jackson, Monroe, Roosevelt and Washington?

They are all US car companies that went bust in the 1920’s. Back then there were over 250 car companies in business

Today there are only a handful

What can we learn from this?

This scenario is typical of the great technological revolutions, whether telegraph, telephone, radio, TV and internet

Each invention began with hundreds of startups that have evolved into a few industry leaders
Had you invested in any one of these industries you’d have profited from some of the greatest inventions of our time

Had you invested in just one company, chances are you’d have a tragic story to share!
Instead you want to diversify within industries and across industries and / or utilise index funds!

The current Electric Vehicle (EV) craze is likely to be similar

We are seeing more & more entrants to the market & the existing car companies are likely to join as well
If EV does become the predominant car technology then there will be some big winners but knowing for sure know who that will be and betting on that one company is dangerous
It can also be dangerous to bet 100% on any one technology winning out

Check out my thread later on Betamax vs VHS - if your too young to know what this is, basically Netflix but 30-40 years ago!
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