It's over one year since I tweeted about the panel recruitment system (see pinned thread). It's over a year that I've been blocked out from applying for HSE posts. A thread on the debacle that is a #panelnotfit (1/10)
Did you know? Many Health & Social Care Professionals such as OTs, Physios, Psychologists, SLTs, etc. have been for years recruited through what is a panel system of recruitment in Ireland. Let me explain what this means... (2/10)
Ex: In Nov 2020, there were 2,997 OTs registered in Ireland. Let's say every OT applies to the panel. They will be ranked from 1 -2997 based on a once-off interview. These interviews are stratified by broad areas; Acute Hospital, Mental Health & Primary/Social Care. (3/10)
Now, from there on in my ranking is based on that 1 interview. Let's pretend I score #1 in the Acute Hospital area (woo go me) Even though I may have ZERO experience in, say, acute oncology, by virtue of the fact that Im #1, if an acute oncol job is advertised, I'll get it (4/10)
This could be despite the fact, say, whoever ranked #2 has >8 years experience in acute oncology and is highly skilled for this particular job. It makes absolutely no sense. (5/10)
I last sat a panel interview in 2015. Since then I've: Been awarded 2 prestigious scholarships to complete a Masters (Clinical Research) & PhD (Occupational Therapy), published numerous papers, worked clinically in a top UK acute hospital and neurorehab hospital in Ireland (6/10)
But... what does it matter anyway! (7/10)
Oh, but there's lots of new OT posts coming out and a new call out for a panel?... Yes there is, but it feeds back into the panel system of recruitment, where this panel will remain superseded by all previous active panels (8/10)
Naturally, this impacts patient care. 1st, by perhaps not having the right person for the right job. 2nd, as others not on a panel are locked out of applying for these jobs, there have been ++ examples of some posts vacant for >a yr as noone on the actual panel wanted them (9/10)
The dissatisfaction of the panel system of recruitment was previously highlighted by @AOTInews members. This @PsychSocIreland HSCP wide survey only amplifies this. (10/10)
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