basics to being a better trans ally:

-thread by a trans person
-please retweet if you can
1) communication
one of the most important things you can do is sit down with them and have a conversation about what they're comfortable with. this can be centered around complements, nicknames, how to refer to them pre-transition, if they have multiple pronouns how to use them.
2) deadnames
these should NEVER be used without their permission.

"this is jessica, they used to be jake"

do not do this ^^^ deadnaming is one of the worst things you can do to a trans person. it's important for you to keep their deadname private and not disclose it to anyone.
3) pronouns
pronouns are not preferred. if someone tells you their pronouns are she/they then you use she/they to refer to them.

"jessica's preferred pronouns are she/her"

no her pronouns ARE she/her
4) outing
outing is incredibly dangerous. if someone is closeted and you out them you are putting their life in danger. even if they are out of the closet and you tell someone they don't know they are trans, you are putting them in danger. leave the coming out to them.
5) closeted help
if whoever you're wanting to support is closeted, you need to have a conversation with them about how to refer to them in certain situations. for example at work, at school, around family. do they want you to use their deadname there or are they okay being out?
6) inappropriate comments
phrases like:
"she used to be a boy"
"he's a transgender"
"[DEADNAME] is now a boy"
"are you really trans"
"what's in your pants tho"

these should NEVER leave your mouth.
7) gender identity
if you don't understand their gender identity ask them about it, respectfully of course, and if you still don't understand don't bug them about it. trans people aren't a google search bar, do your own research and delve deeper.
8) medically transitioning
there are so many ways people can transition, socially and medically being the main two but note that medically transitioning isn't for everyone. whether that be because of health reasons or just simply they don't want to. support them no matter what.
9) "what's in your pants"
please, please, please, just shut the fuck up. would you ask a stranger on the street this question? no, so don't ask your trans friend either. that's their business and no one else's.
10) relationships
when in a relationship with someone who's trans it's important for you to ask them ways to make them comfortable. that may mean discussing where you can/can't touch them, what pet names they are/aren't comfortable with and what to call them (gf/bf/partner)
overall you just need to know that no two trans people share the same experience. we all go on different journeys and so it's not one size fits all. ask questions, educate yourself, fight for trans rights. anything you can do to show your support is appreciated.
i might add to this thread i'm not sure. it's a bit all over the place so i'm sorry but if you have any questions please ask and i'll try to respond as quickly and as best as i can.

sorry if this made no sense and if there's a lot of spelling errors
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