Current rules of the game that allow people with money to use that to buy property and use that property without any limits being set on that use - to the extent that the use of said property blows away all common-agreed limits contd:
The last 30 years how fossil fuel CO2 emissions have risen DESPITE a common agreement to limit warming. This shows how little political power there really is - trumped by the power of money. Capital as Power, Jonathan Nitzan & Shimshon Bichler shows this
We as humanity are in a sorry state where your money can buy you power to absolutely trash the common good. And politics stands by and does nothing about it.
Calling on all people who "get" the commons the possibility of going from capitalism to commonsism to CONTD....
Use the insights of Elinor Ostrom and the Commons to present an alternative. A clear, comprehensive way forward from the point common targets are agreed to a pivot and consequent descent pathway into safe planetary system operation that provides a good life for everyone. Cont.
That's quite a challenge, but hey, what were you going to at the weekend anyway, locked down in the middle of winter.... you can do this guys!
Or you could leave it up to the fascists. @mbauwens @bbaue @henkhadders @davidbollier
You can follow @stephen_hinton.
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