Lessons From The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

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“The way to get rid of darkness is with light; the way to overcome cold is with heat; the way to overcome the negative thought is to substitute the good thought. Affirm the good, and the bad will vanish."
The power of Subconscious is a book which everyone should read once because it clarifies the real problems and their solution with respect to our life.

This book merely focuses on the internal problems and fears which ultimately leads to external one and causes suffering.
1) Difference between the conscious and the subconscious mind

The conscious and subconscious mind are not two different minds They are merely two spheres of activity within one mind.
"Change your thoughts and you can change your destiny."

The conscious mind is the reasoning mind which chooses ( Either you will do or not do it ) Your subconscious mind accept what the conscious mind impress on it and act accordingly without any question and judgement.
2) It is the treasure house within you

The great secret possessed by the great men of all ages was their ability to contact and release the powers of their subconscious mind.

Your subconscious has the solution to all your problems. It is the builder of your body and can heal .
Never affirm negative statements like " I can't do it " . Your subconscious mind takes you at your word and sees to it that you do ot have the ability to do what you wanted to do.Always affirm Positive.
3) Wish others well, for envy will only prevent you from getting what you want

People who always say that money is the root cause of all the evils are genreally not able to make money because they have impresses the negative feeling of money inside their subconscious mind.
If you secretly despise others for having something you want, you’ll make it less likely for yourself to attain that thing.

Don’t fall into a victim mindset. Always remember , all evils arises from one self thoughts.
4) Healing power of subconscious mind

You might think that at earlier times there was no professional doctor like we see today neither there was advanced technology but still people cope up with most of deadly disease .
The main reason for this is that they planted the seed of Faith in their mind.The believe that their subconscious mind has the healing power and it will act upon it .

According to Murphy, Faith is the universal healing principle.
5) The magical power of sleep

Another way you can make use of your subconscious is to simply sleep on things when you have a tough time deciding.
Sleep is essential for peace of mind and health of body , Lack os sleep can cause irritation or depression. You are spiritually recharged while your are sleeping. Guidance is given to you while you sleep . It may be in any form.
Your subconscious can process information quicker and in different ways than your conscious self. Therefore, letting it do its thing while you sleep can lead to clearer thoughts and a more confident opinion the next day
6) How to get rid of mental blocks

The solution lies within the problem.

You have the freedom to choose , to choose habits , to choose what to do .Habit is the function of your subconscious mind.
Always remember that the only obstacle between you and your success is your own mental thoughts.The statements of other cannot hurt you except through your own thoughts. Identify yourself with with your aim where is peace , harmony.
7) You can remain young forever

Age is not the flight of years , but the dawn of WISDOM.

Years alone are not responsible for aging. It is the fear of time , not the time itself that has the harmful effect of aging.
Patience , kindness , humility , good will , peace and harmony are attributes and qualities which never grow old.

We do not count a man's year until and unless he has nothing else to count. 'Always have purpose in your life.
You grow old when you loose intrest in life , when you cease to dream , to hunger after new truths .If your thoughts are constantly on the beautiful , the noble , and the good , you will remain young regardless of chronological years.
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