Really uplifting Zoom meeting last night under auspices of Islington Friends of Jeremy Corbyn to show support for our MP subjected to draconian undemocratic decisions by Labour Party centrally, vilification by media and monstrous, false accusations from political opponents 1/8
Antisemitism is being misused as a political football. We know Corbyn’s opponents are not gunning for him because of a couple of factual comments re EHRC report. They are scared of the political ideas he still inspires of massively redistributing economic power in society. 2/8
"Corbynism" has empowered people to fight for change. The response to it has been a war to destroy the left.
Tonight’s meeting presented a multicultural coalition of confident grassroots workers and campaigners with shared values, who collaborate and think for themselves. 3/8
It was very striking that the first 4 speakers were from African, Caribbean, Muslim and Jewish communities who wanted to give back to Jeremy some of the support he has always given them over the years. They were followed by the excellent Howard Beckett from UNITE the Union. 4/8
The final speaker before JC was local councillor, Michelline who heads a visionary community project. She came to UK as a teenage refugee with no English. She described how much she owed to Jeremy, the 1st person to support her, who taught her that life is about justice, 5/8
that life is about equality, and these can be fought for and achieved. The words that were on every speaker's lips were “integrity”, “warmth”, “support”, 'listens", “always there”: Words that really could not be used about his cynical opponents and detractors. 6/8
One local resident gave a powerful speech in two capacities: as a dedicated participant within Islington’s excellent Mutual Aid initiative and as a local member of the Jewish Socialists’ Group. She highlighted Jeremy’s genuine support for anti-racist and anti fascist work. 7/8
She contrasted it with the Board of Deputies who claim one week to support BLM and then give Priti Patel a platform the next. JC spoke last. He emphasised the fight for free speech and empowering ourselves through collective campaigning to build the future the planet needs. 8/8
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