I respect different views on this, but for me, I’m totally happy and ok with this idea. I can rear an animal with care and love and I can kill it. I won’t eat meat from an animal constrained on concrete all its life. But I will eat one that’s been reared with care and respect. https://twitter.com/georgemonbiot/status/1334063657936969734
Care for its health and welfare, respect for its needs and desires. For a pig to root the earth, for a cow to wraps its tongue around blades of grass and herbs and to form social bonds, for a chicken to roam far and eat ‘invisible’ bugs.
This week for instance we’ve been eating Ned. The first calf born on the farm that we’ve slaughtered for beef. I loved him. He had a crazy hair do, was as tall as a racing horse and I used to have to carry him back to the field when he was a calf. I actually miss him.
Does that make me a bad person? Does it mean there’s something wrong with me? 🤷‍♂️ I dunno. Not to me, not to many 100s millions of people that also rear and kill animals. It’s not just about food to us. And I know if I couldn’t have taken Ned to slaughter we’d have to quit farming
I wish I could’ve killed him myself. I wish the regulations around on-farm slaughter for commercial sale were reformed, but I trust the place we take him to.

I have killed cows, pigs and chickens for our own consumption. So I know I can do it.
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