Difference Between a Raita Girl - Trad Girl

The biggest Sin a Hindu can do is go against our Great Scriptures. Our great scriptures which preach Caste System, Sati Pratha, Child Marriage, Polygamy and Dowry. All these great thing which kept us Vishwa Guru for last 2 millennia.
A Raita girl is an Educated girl, who goes outside to study, which is clearly Blasphemous. Looking at her boys may lose interest in studies and start thinking about Saax. An Ideal Trad girl is suppose to be Home, learning to cook, as she is only a feet to the Pati Parameshwara.
A Raita girl changes a Boyfriend every month. Which is not good, as she would go lose for her future Pati Parameshwar. An Ideal Trad girl remains a Virgin until she gets married, preferably at the age of 12. She gets married early to avoid any problems like Over education.
A Raita girl is like Pet Cat, producing 2 Kids in her lifetime. Looking at the civilizational crisis, this is horrendous. A Trad girl is supposed be like a Varaha(Pig). Her Dharmik Duty is to make at least 10 kids in her lifetime. Pati Parameshwar may do Polygamy to make More..
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