1) The left's downfall someday will be their narcissism. They're too willfully ignorant of their own ignorance to even know they're ignorant.

They're reprobate & lack any discernment. They're gullible & nefarious. Better than thou attitudes.
2) Too stupid to realize everything they claim to hate represents them completely. They're racists, fascists, anti-American, intolerant, haters, untrustworthy, narcissistic, selfish fools.
3) Fairy tale utopia of anti-science: multiple genders (lie), global warming (lie), abortion isn't killing (lie), support eugenics but lie about it. Flat earthers, depopulation cheerleaders, grim reaper & devil embracers, elitist mentality, social justice (lie).
4) Push big govt to control religion, guns, freedoms, school indoctrination, media etc when our foundation is set up for SMALL government & control by "We The People."
5) WTP of the US, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare & secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves & our Posterity, do ordain & establish this Constitution for the USA
6) Twist constitution:
•Separation of church & state is NOT in Constitution & in fact the letter by Jefferson supported keeping a wall of separation of government FROM church, not vice versa.
•Amendment 14 doesn't legally grant birthright citizenship.
7) Anchor babies are illegal. Left conveniently overlook phrase "jurisdiction thereof". That means if parents are illegal, so are babies born in USA, bc they belong to the same foreign country's jurisdiction as their illegal parents, not USA.
8) Can't have dual allegiance, that's why legal process & oath of citizenship is required. See my pinned tweet for full detail of Amendment 14 abuse.

Over time, if we ever gave an inch, the left took a mile and slowly encroached on our rights while giving themselves...
9) ...additional special rights. George Orwell's reference to doublespeak is the complete opposite of plain & simple truth. It distorts words & phrases in order to bury a truth. Deceptive in manner.
10) Marxist doublespeak examples: •Social justice. Social justice is not equivalent to the Christian virtue of generosity to the poor. In fact, this pseudo-justice denies the very essence of power and authority described in Scripture (John 19:11, Romans 13, Colossians 2).
11) Today’s social justice has redefined human worth.
•Illegal alien vs illegal immigrant
•"Violent extremism" instead of "abject terrorism"
•Political correctness
•Marxist ideals have robbed the poor man of his ability to be honorable.
12) Now, if you’re poor, you’re oppressed, & you can’t do anything about it. If you do succeed, you become evil. There is no way out, except for the government to control & realign wealth.

In the real world, Edward S. Herman describes doublespeak in his book Beyond Hypocrisy:
13) What is really important in the world of doublespeak is the ability to lie, whether knowingly or unconsciously, and to get away with it; and the ability to use lies and choose and shape facts selectively, blocking out those that don’t fit an agenda or program.
14) Dorothy Sayers said the reason we need classical education is that young people “do not know what words mean; they do not know how to ward them off or blunt their edge or fling them back; they are a prey to words in their emotions instead...
15) ...of being the masters of them in their intellects.”
–The Lost Tools of Learning

Colleges & universities have exacerbated the problem of dependence by promoting what is sometimes called a culture of victimhood.
16) American college students (who are some of the safest & most privileged people on the planet) are to be protected from, and encouraged to be ever-vigilant about and even report, any behavior that could cause emotional distress.
17) Feelings and experiences that were once considered part of everyday life, such as being offended by someone’s political views, are now more likely to be treated as detrimental to mental health.

In short, fear causes people to privilege psychological security over liberty.
18) If this article is true, the educational system in concert with our overall culture is raising exactly the kind of person the progressive model set out to produce,...
19) ...and the kind of people in Orwell’s Ingsoc: people dependent on the govt & more than willing to trade their freedom for its apparent security.

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