1/ #PathTwitter what is your understating on this skeletal metastasis in an elderly female? 🤔
@smlungpathguy @natasharekhtman 👇
4/ TTF-1
5/ GATA3
6/ Thanks everyone!!! 🙏🙏Not easy too fool the Tweeples nowadays 😂 ER and mammaglobin IHCs 👇
7/ So indeed this was a metastatic breast carcinoma and the answer and the problem lies in the non-specificity of the SP24 antibody as highlighted buy several of you 👍
more specifically metastatic lobular carcinoma 😁
8/ Fun fact 😄 Did you know that the well-known prostate-specific IHC marker NKX3.1 is positive in 25-28% av lobular breast carcinomas also? Say what 😂
9/ What other tumors, except for prostate adenocarcinoma and lobular breast carcinoma, do you know to be positive for NKX3.1 IHC? 🤔 #IHCpath #breastpath
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