Been thinking about this Spotify thing. The arts works like that for most artists i.e. a huge machine that sucks all the money up away from the artist, but without which the artist wouldn’t have much of an audience. For example my most popular ‘best selling’ book does not earn...
Anywhere near what you’d think it would. Royalties and direct book sales make up less than a tenth of my (very small) income. Becoming Unbecoming helped me launch my *reputation* (oh the irony) so I could go full time as an artist/writer but income is more related to it than...
Directly from it. People often buy it direct from me thinking this supports me best, & I do get a much bigger cut than if you get it from Amazon, but I make about £5 on each sale, which I appreciate, but by the time I’ve signed & packed it & walked to post office & back, well...
& if you want to support me and my work, best way to do that is to buy a poster from my Etsy shop (bigger margin) or commission me to make a banner, cover, cartoon, whatever. Finally, the reason I started this thread is because my lovely music fan husband told me this morning...
That he worked out he listened to 108 hours of @antonnewcombe on Spotify earning Anton a grand total of $7. Good job he buys Anton’s vinyl, merch & concert tickets then. This is what we all have to do if we want the arts to survive late capitalism #arts #SpotifyWrapped
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