Jimmy Lai, China’s Lie 🇨🇳

“In today’s Hong Kong, promoting democracy makes you a criminal. And when a billionaire becomes a dissident, the takeover of Hong Kong is complete.”

By @WSJ Editorial Board: https://www.wsj.com/articles/jimmy-lai-chinas-lie-11606951156
“We trust @JoeBiden is paying attention. No doubt he’s not eager to start trouble with China. But Xi Jinping has his own priorities. He's testing whether a Biden admin—especially one seeking a climate accord—will look the other way on China’s behavior in Hong Kong and elsewhere.”
“The Trump admin, in particular @SecPompeo, has spoken up for Mr. Lai. The Administration has also sanctioned Chinese and Hong Kong officials for ‘undermining HK’s autonomy and restricting the freedom of expression or assembly of the citizens of HK.’” https://archive.is/TZ4AD 
“China is now claiming that Jimmy Lai, Joshua Wong, Agnes Chow, Ivan Lam are criminals for taking a stand for democracy. Insisting on the truth won't immediately set them free…Refusing to accept its lies must be the starting point of any US-China policy.” https://archive.is/TZ4AD 
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