Typically excellent piece from AR. Macron’s crucial combination of resistance to Political Islamism with new active European engagement in Africa (effectively if benignly neo-imperial) very much accords with the last chapter of The Politics of Virtue by Milbank and Pabst. https://twitter.com/johnmilbank3/status/1334405828112166914
Macron is becoming a hero: evolving towards postliberalism in order to save liberalism. Refusing the Enlightened excesses of the USA regarding identity politics etc in order to save the Enlightenment legacy from peril. Analysis not perfect but getting there.
And Roussinos is incredibly perceptive in seeing the parallel here to Burke’s later Tory modification of his Whig commitment. Macron half sees that liberalism in sense of tolerant generosity and constitutional order must break with liberalism in the sense of individualism.
He has most definitely turned against neoliberalism. A real man has stepped forth from the carapace of the robot: apologies for not foreseeing he had this capacity. Meanwhile Trump’s bestiality remains merely symptomatic.
Finally Roussinos also sees that Macron’s vision of Europe is also Burkean: Europe as loosely federated Commonwealth. Not a super-state but not just a pragmatic union of sovereign nation-states either. A Union based around culture, which Burke saw *includes* the legal-political.
It’s beyond tragic if the U.K. now allies with the the individualist US rather than more Communitarian France. The hope here must be that via our military we can continue to be part of a more independent European power. Postliberal ‘returners’ need to effectively unite.
They are the real ‘Jacobites’, protesting the revolutionary usurpation of real British values by libertarian ultras ever since Thatcher. A usurpation which has now cut us adrift from our ancestral moorings in Europe and partnership with our most natural ancient Gallic cousins.
Vive L’Entente Cordiale!
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