It's understandable if you expected better of him but it can't be gainsaid that Roger Kimball is a fool. As with David Goldman, he has revealed who he is and how he thinks over these 5 years. Even with all his learning, Kimball willingly prostrates himself before a demagogue.
Add to the list of fools perpetuating the lie that the election was stolen the "Maverick Philosopher," Bill Vallicella. His posts on philosophy are interesting, his posts on politics and Trump are unhinged, divorced from reality, and grotesque in their obsequiousness.
Vallicella posts his nonsense on politics on his public Facebook page. You can view them there. Observe his contempt for people like George Will, Mona Charen, and of course David French. The disdain Vallicella and his ilk have for French is such a tell.
Obviously, French isn't immune from criticism. No one is. But their contempt for him is wildly disproportionate to anything he has said or done. Even with the reality of Trump's astonishing attempt to overturn an election, you can tell political idiots like Vallicella
have learned nothing. The rot within conservativism is deep. It is not merely the superficial and unlearned who purvey nonsense. Instead, it is the bookish, lettered, and the learned who do so as well. I had thought the right was better than the left. In many ways, it isn't.
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