I’m still gobsmacked at how Manchester United and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer threw that game away last night, but since it was not discussed by the pundits post-match, a quick thread on exactly what went wrong.... #MUFC
Here is Marcus Rashford gesturing to the bench in the 66th minute that he is not comfortable out there due to a shoulder injury. He is literally grimacing in pain.
We’ll come back to that.

But first let’s rewind a few minutes.

United are on top. PSG have not had a single attempt on goal in the first 17 minutes of the second half.
Thomas Tuchel however, spots two things.

One, Rashford is hampered by injury and can barely run properly.

Two, Rashford keeps drifting infield towards Cavani’s central ATT role, vacating his position on the right.
On comes Mitchel Bakker down the left hand side.

PSG switch to a 3-5-2 with Bakker down the left attacking the space left by a clearly injured Rashford.

Within three minutes Bakker is played in acres of space and has a shot saved for a corner. #PSG go 2-1 up from that corner.
Fred gets his inevitable red a minute later, and 5 mins after that Rashford is subbed off for Pogba.

But by then it is too late.

Tuchel sees it earlier than his opposing manager & acts on it, & the failure to address this - on top of keeping Fred on - swings the game in 10 mins
To not take Fred off was an astonishing decision.

In a game with 5 subs, 3 midfielders on the bench & 1 point needed, it’s an unnecessary risk.

But to not spot Rashford literally wincing in pain, or the huge gap down that right side once Bakker came on, is... a concern. #MUFC
Now Solskjaer does have many qualities and things he has got right so I don’t want to be too critical, but game management has long been a worry for me. I think last night offered another clear example why. #mufc
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