I am content with #HoneyBadger overseeing this over the past 48 hours.

This is what cutting off access to illicit funding looks like. Looks like the washing machine about to break.

So many cry babies not paying attention.
The critters FUNDING has been running out of options since the beginning of the Wuhan Virus Made in Ch👁️ Na... https://twitter.com/Avery1776/status/1269415954439639040
Definitely a racketeering theme going on. Setting precedent at a minimum...Last three are all Latin King former/current leaders of Latin Kings in three different cities...
“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War https://twitter.com/avery1776/status/1332181165780905984
You can follow @Avery1776.
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