1. My name is Rachel, and I would like to say thank you. I love to learn, and I am very grateful. I will explain.
2. I've been paying very close attention to the US election fraud coverage, and I learned it from my new Twitter Patriot friends.
3. On November 3, election night, I went to bed assuming President Trump had won, that's how it looked to me. Imagine my surprise in the morning, when that was not the case.
4. I'm a registered Republican in a Democratic state. In prior work in Chicago's medical district, I knew to keep my mouth shut around the political water cooler talk. Many of my personal friends/family on Facebook had strongly worded liberal posts. I felt kind of lonely.
5. On Twitter, a few articles caught my eye. I started reading and learning, like drinking from a fire hose. My mind was blown, honestly.
6. I went from feeling afraid like I can't talk about politics for fear of repercussions to outrage, like THIS IS WRONG. Also, I launched my own business at the start of the pandemic. I did this so I could be my own boss, and that should include being able to say what I want.
7. I started following my new Patriot friends, feeling less lonely and retweeting posts I thought were important. I asked questions, and gracious individuals would answer my DM's and take time to explain things to me. Even a phone call with info that blew my mind!
8. I am a believer, I want freedom for myself and my children. This is important to me.
9. I am an American citizen, I am very lucky. I was abandoned as a baby in South Korea and was adopted. Keep in mind, North Korea is a communist state.
10. When I was a kid, my favorite historical fiction series was about World War II. This was the first time I learned how propeganda was used by Joseph Goebbels and Heinrich Himmler of the Nazi party.
11. When I was a kid, my parents spent 2 years in Albania. Keep in mind that this European country was communist prior to 1992.
12. When I was 18 years old, I visited Mauthausen the Nazi concentration camp in Austria. This is the rock quarry where Jews did hard labor and died.
13. I recently launched my Stories podcast on iTunes and Spotify. Episode 13 is with a US Marine, and I also became friends with a retired Green Beret. These connections have made me incredibly cognizant of the military sacrifices for the freedoms we enjoy.
14. As the draconian lockdowns have gotten worse, I have felt that things were not right. I know that people are afraid and lonely, that school remote learning is a joke and that there are different rules for elites.
15. I am very cognizant of the amazing privilege it is to be an American in the most beautiful country in the world. I am grateful.
16. I very simply want to say, thank you. I am listening very carefully, I am learning a lot and I like making all these amazing new Patriot friends.
I want freedom, I believe in fighting for this. I say on my Stories podcast episode 21 that I know what it's like "living in the shadows" but want to "step into the sunlight." This moment in time feels very pivotal to me. 🇺🇸 #LiveForThis #LoveOfCountry #StandInTheLight💫 #Patriots
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