Every one of these Trump election suits is the same gobbledygook garbage barge:


It coulda happened.

Well, no, we can't prove it.

But just to be safe, best let the gerrymandered legislature give us all the electoral votes!

They're like SO MAD YOU GUYS that these local officials submitted grant proposals for their own cities and not the whole state. Unlegal!
Would you faint from shock if I told you that the statute which supposedly says ballot drop boxes are "so seriously in violation of the Wisconsin Election Code" doesn't actually mention drop boxes?

Maybe you should sit down.
The Trump campaign has known about the dropboxes since mid-August, but it didn't get around to suing until four weeks after the election?

Let me introduce you to my friend Doctrine O. Laches. We met THE FIRST MONTH OF LAW SCHOOL.
Can the Trump campaign interest you in some wild speculation about evil ballot harvesters taking advantage of illegal drop boxes (they're not illegal) to commit massive vote fraud?

It coulda happened! Like Jesus riding a dinosaur. Were you there???
Not for nothing, but the evilllll Wisconsin Elections Commission which supposedly enacted all these illegal voting rules is a bipartisan body made up of three Democrats and three Republicans.
Apparently the lack of info on the website about election night procedures for ballots cast via drop box is proof that they violate the Equal Protection and Due Process clauses.

No, they don't have actual information about what happened on the night of 11/3. Why do you ask?
OMG, look at these filthy sumbitches arguing with a straight face that ballots not collected and delivered to the polling place by 8pm on 11/3 are rendered illegal.

Sorry about your ballot, Nana! The truck didn't get to the registrar's office until 8:19.
The Trump campaign is GRRR SO MAD that mayors in Milwaukee, Green Bay, and Kenosha boosted their turnout. Wonder why???

Obviously, the only solution is to cancel the election.
Look, I know it's shitty to make fun of typos. But ... twice in one sentence?
They're mad that registrars looked up the addresses of witnesses and filled it in on some unspecified number of ballots.
As @AkivaMCohen pointed out yesterday, the statute says that the address has to be there for the vote to be accepted — doesn't say the registrar can't help. And anyway it's not clear if those fill-ins took place with the voter standing there in person. https://twitter.com/AkivaMCohen/status/1333878314067513346?s=20
The Trump campaign accuses the Wisconsin Election Commission of unleashing "an absentee ballot free for all" and disregarding the will of the voters by ... allowing for ballot cure.

Oh, FFS. They're mad that they mayors spent all their grant money on increasing voter turnout, and none of it on helping poll observers harass county workers doing the canvass.
Those dastardly big city mayors did it ON PURPOSE! They deliberately got everyone to vote by mail so as to overwhelm the poll watchers.

Nothing to do with covid — it's obviously a part of an evil scheme.
To be clear, the Trump campaign hasn't alleged even one single case of a fraudulent vote being case in Wisconsin. But the fraud *could have happened*, which is the same thing, right?
So there's nothing for it but for the legislature to step in and refuse to certify the election results.

Fun fact: The election was already certified two days ago. But the Trump campaign isn't big on facts, fun or otherwise.
Sorry I didn't get mad enough until 20 pages into this case to start tweeting about it. The first 15 pages were arglebargle about the orgiastic joys of federalism, with a bunch of mentions of Bush v. Gore, in case SCOTUS needs a reminder that it can ratfuck elections at will.
Followed by a heavy handed reminder that the state legislature is the election's REAL DADDY, so state officials (i.e. the Defendants) have to run the election without interpreting any laws.

Never mind that the WEC was appointed by elected officials.
Then they got real mad that election officials — you know, the ones who are supposed to tremble before the legislature — didn't harass more voters who said they were too sick to come to the polls.

Followed by ten pages of saying that absentee voting is bad and shameful, although completely legal.
Flashback to the primary when GOP speaker Robin Vos showed up in full PPE to prove that it was totally safe to vote in person. https://twitter.com/benwikler/status/1260717382772948992?s=20
Anyway, all they want is for the court to throw out the election results, which have just been confirmed by recount.

Oh, and attorneys fees. Because the state should pay the Trump campaign for the privilege of being sued.
So, will it work? Who the hell knows. Sainted Marc Elias is fighting like ten of these stupid suits, including one filed by that Krakenhead Sidney Powell. https://www.democracydocket.com/state/wisconsin/
But this suit is garbage, and they haven't managed to persuade any other federal court to toss out tens of thousands of votes and hand the election over to the legislature. So ... don't worry too much.
And forgive me, this suit was filed by Trump personally, as candidate, not by the campaign.

In my defense, I read the campaign's suit plus the Krakhead filing last night. So. Much. Stupid.

Thanks for reading. Night all!
And one more thing! For all the ominous warnings about election fraud, this is an effort to toss out 1000s of legitimate votes based on a technicality.

They're not trying to protect the integrity of the election — they just want to disenfranchise Democrats.

Night for real!
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