Why the death penalty should be ABOLISHED a thread
1) The death penalty. A constant debate in the United States over whether criminals are worthy of their human right to live. Some say it's immoral, while others feel it fits the crime. But let's get the basics out of the way first.
2)In 28 states, it's legal to put someone to death if the crime they committed is severe enough. These crimes may range from large-scale drug trafficking to even treason. In all of those states, lethal injection is the method used for execution as it is considered the most moral.
3)But is the death penalty even moral in the first place? How much better are the people killing these inmates than the criminals who murder. In both cases a life is lost to the hand of someone else.
4) Albert Camus, a French philosopher, journalist, and author who even won a Nobel Peace prize in literature once said "capital punishment is the most premeditated of murders, to which no criminal's deed, however calculated, can be compared.
5) For there to be equivalency, the death penalty would have to punish a criminal who had warned his victim of the date on which he would inflict a horrible death on him and who, from that moment onward, had confined him at his mercy for months. Such a monster is not to be
6)Such a monster is not to be encountered in private life". No matter how "deserving" someone is of death or how horrible a crime someone has committed, it doesn't change the simple fact that they are still human.
7)Their heart beats and they breathe just like the rest of us and they are very much still entitled to their right to live. Who are we to decide who is allowed to live or die? Who are we to decide who is allowed their birth right and who is not?
8) As Albert Camus described, the time before an execution can be torture. It is months and even YEARS filled with false hope and the constant fear of their upcoming doom.
9)In a fair world, all people would be judged the same without the factor of race, gender, sexual orientation, or nationality affecting their sentence. Unfortunately, this is most definitely not the case.
10)Many people have been KILLED under our justice system, not because of convincing evidence , but because of pure hate. And while people are judged unfairly everyday for a number a reasons, the main cause we are going to discuss today, is systematic racism.
11)This has been and currently is a horrible problem and this goes for many states in our country. But this next example focuses on Philadelphia. A study by law professor David Baldus and statistician George Woodworth who are two of the country's foremost researchers shows
12)"that the odds of receiving a death sentence are nearly four times (3.9) higher if the defendant is black. These results were obtained after analyzing and controlling for case differences such as the severity of the crime and the background of the defendant"
13)and the background of the defendant" ( http://deathpenaltyinfo.org ). Racist people should NOT be given the power to end someones life. This is why execution should not even be an option in the first place, as it cannot be reversed.
14) If a racist judge sentences an innocent person to death, that's it. They can't just be let out of jail or refunded their money. There's no backsies to death. Not only is this completely unfair but also goes against the 14th amendment,
15) which states that all people are garanteed equal protection under law. If judges implement punishment with racism, that violates those terms.
16)Along with this, there have also been so many cases where people have been said to be guilty by the judge and given the death penalty even though the evidence showed otherwise or was later proven false.
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