I just came home from filing assault charges against a Hudson County Freeholder.

THREAD (1/🧵)
#ShutDownHudson #FreeThemAll #ICEFreeNJ
2/🧵Before I get into it, let me say that I work in immigration policy. I come from an immigrant family who chose Jersey as home. I care a lot about this issue.

Here's my fam in Hazlet after the youngest & last of the group, my dad, got sponsored. #ShutDownHudson #FreeThemAllNJ
(Also an aside, that's one of my favorite family photos. It's so Jersey and so Filipino. The BBQ skewers? The C&C Cola? Come on.)
4/🧵 I used every "proper" channel I could think of. I engaged electeds on both sides of the Hudson. I've written letters, signed petitions, asked for meetings, testified at hearings. In all this engagement I, and too many others, were ignored.
#FreeThemALL #ShutDownHudson
5/🧵 In fact, we wanted to engage so much, advocates found that some Hudson County Freeholders, including the chair and vice chair, didn't have functional emails or publicly available phone numbers. Embedded thread here:

#FreeThemALL #ShutDownHudson https://twitter.com/mdevens/status/1270856915552264204?s=20
12/🧵 They pledged to end the contract by 2020, but Hudson County Freeholders have actually had the power to eliminate the contract all along. #FreeThemAll #ShutDownHudson
13/🧵 So what did we do? We continued to show up at Freeholder meetings for public comment to remind them of their promise. They said, "It's not on the agenda so we aren't commenting today." So we decided to start hitting their (finally public) emails. https://twitter.com/jkefka/status/1293986989545607174?s=20
14/🧵 But even that was met with derisive mocking and condescension. Here, the CHAIR of the entire DEMOCRATIC Hudson County Board of Chosen Freeholders admits to deleting and dismissing constituent emails that have happened over a 6 month period. #ShutDownHudson
15/🧵That Chair then slapped back at a JC resident @EphrosJake to say that he "supported the ICE contract." Remember, this was all while there was organized efforts to leave public comments at each hearing in opposition to contract renewal. We were told they "haven't decided yet"
17/🧵 We organized. We fought. We turned up. We sometimes cried. We used EVERY. AVAILABLE. PUBLIC. TOOL. All of the correct and proper and legitimized channels. No one "rioted." No one set trashcans on fire. No one camped out at houses. We asked, as constituents, to be heard.
22/🧵 The Hudson Chair didn't even stay for public comment, claiming to have a more urgent public event. More freeholders left, nearly losing quorum for the night. Another complained that their macaroni dinner (paid for by taxpayers) was getting cold.
23/🧵 4 hours and years of pressure was too inconvenient for Hudson Democrats, so at the next caucus meeting, they placed the ICE renewal contract on the agenda. This would queue up one of the MOST CONTENTIOUS county fights for an already scheduled day-time, holiday week hearing.
24/🧵 These public salaried Dems decide to place cold macaroni inconvenience over the inconvenience of taxpayers and families who have lost people to their jail. The chair initiates. Freeholder Romano seconds. It's on the holiday week agenda. We had a day to organize like hell.
25/🧵I honestly don't remember much of this period because we were constantly on. EVERY. GROUP. WENT. HARD. Not just Jersey. Every person in NY who had a stake in Hudson detention -- it will be a miracle if we escape without carpal tunnel from the amount of calling and emailing.
26/🧵 ICE uses Hudson to hide out. There are some Dems who recognize this strategy and call it out.

NY officials who rep constituents at Hudson stood up. They urged their nominally Democratic counterparts maintain their promise. They did this in hours. I'll never forget that.
27/🧵 Meanwhile, GOOD PEOPLE, really truly honest and good people in Jersey were pressuring to do the same. @SolomonforJC led a letter with @RLavarro. They were joined by JC council's @yousefjsaleh @miramira4 @JoyceWatterman in to stand by their 2018 opposition to ICE.
28/🧵 Hoboken did the same! And @SolomonforJC @RLavarro @PhilipHCohen @HobokenEmily turned up for testimony that evening. Several came to a press conference hosted by nat'l partners @MigrantFreedom with elected officials in NY @cmenchaca @jessicaramos: https://fb.watch/28cHhUDk1D/ 
29/🧵 Within that same period, @Das_Alina @YosiBadie @evadepup released a report detailing Hudson County Correctional Facility's ICE horrors and laid out a roadmap for responsible closure that would limit far-away transfers: https://www.law.nyu.edu/sites/default/files/Hudson%20County%20Jail%20Report%20Nov%202020_0.pdf
Sorry yall. I need to take a break. I'm overwhelmed by DMs of people who have also had family detained and deported and I'm broken up. This assault charge pales in comparison to the people who will NEVER. SEE. JUSTICE. and who have died from the indifference. TBC tomorrow a.m. 🖤
31/🧵 Ok so I ended with the 24 hour scramble. We were lighting the phones up like crazy. Not just Freeholders, but their Hudson Democrat colleagues. Mayors Fulop and Bhalla notably said NOTHING when pressed, both from inside and outside. Yet in 2018: https://www.nj.com/hudson/2018/09/hudson_county_to_exit_controversial_ice_contract.html
32/🧵 It's easy to throw punches in a fight against Trump, especially when you're walking off a re-election. But 2020 is different. Across the county Mayors and Councils are up for re-election in 2021. The County Exec who signs the contract, wields total control over Hudson Dems.
33/🧵 So the 24 hour scramble closes. An hour and a half after our NY & NJ press conference, the vote began.

You... https://twitter.com/nowthisnews/status/1333886842303893505?s=20
Might https://twitter.com/WNYC/status/1331626219293569024?s=20
Read https://twitter.com/northjersey/status/1331568318373908483?s=20
A Thing https://twitter.com/Gothamist/status/1331619623805071362?s=20
Or https://twitter.com/Taniel/status/1331315959169249282?s=20
Two https://twitter.com/JulianCastro/status/1331450774321291265?s=20
About https://twitter.com/protest_nyc/status/1331609122056364038?s=20
It https://twitter.com/HudsonCoView/status/1331456763934150657?s=20
34/🧵 You can also watch the hearing at @hudprogressives Youtube:

10 hours of comment, which would have gone on longer but someone operating as the Zoom host cleared the queue of people with raised hands. The Freeholders then took a vote to close comment.
35/🧵 The hearing was a nightmare. They made a DACA recipient cry. Interrogated people who gave testimony about time inside. Belittled attorneys serving people who had served in Hudson. It was almost intentionally traumatic. People erased from queue and signed up after the vote.
36/🧵 Including @ztvnz who was reading surveys of people currently detained. Several people used expletives in frustration, and were told to by Freeholders to "meet me outside." @HudProgressives member @mdevens who had his capacity as a Dem Committee member threatened.
38/🧵 In the midst of all this, there was still an ongoing hunger strike at Bergen's ICE jail, rumors of an outbreak at Essex. Still no rebuke and no solution from top Dems like @GovMurphy @SenBooker @SenatorMenendez.

We're exhausted. But there was more work to do.
39/🧵 We continue our weekly Friday phonezap and a Hudson County Freeholder tells a Muslim immigrant activist to "go back to where you came from." Tells another activist that "the only good ones are Irish and Italian."

So now we're not only exhausted, we're pissed the hell off.
41/🧵 So we decide to turn up and talk to Freeholder Romano and other high profile Democrats who are attending in person. And shouldn't their donors know the types of policies and politics these Hudson Democrats support? The event was held in a COVID-19 tent in the parking lot.
42/🧵 We serendipitously arrived on the sidewalk at the same time that Freeholder Romano got out of his car. We walked with him to tent, asking to engage. Protestors were shouting No Concentration Camps. The rest is pretty clear from the video.
43/🧵 This has been long but I wanted to share. There's been a lot of recent attention which is GOOD but it also means some are dismissing last week's hearing as simple "activism." That erases years that others have put into this. We cannot wait for elections. People are dying.
44/🧵 All of these channels are necessary


But without rebuke from @GovMurphy and others at the top? These local Hudson Dems not only feel brazen enough to vote against the public's will, but to fundraise off of it, and then shove two women who protest it.
45/🧵 To wrap up, Hudson isn't the only fight. The same brazenly rogue behavior is on display in Bergen where cops are bringing out k9 units to intimidate protestors and in Essex where a COVID outbreak is happening. https://twitter.com/RW4BL_/status/1334210857207730179?s=20
46/🧵 If you're looking for something to do, talk to folks involved. Donate to bond & commissary funds. Sign up to drive people home & support after release. Learn about local politics and hearings in your town, not just during elections. There *are* things that can change today.
47/🧵 Ask someone, "How did you organize XXX so I can join YYY?" There's no leadership at the top. But there's a ton if you look around.

Thanks for reading. It's privilege to share this small story when others cannot or have faced retribution for theirs.
48/🧵 The following tweets are links, groups, and people that are showing up every single day. Come join us.

In my family's language, we say "MAKIBAKA! Huwag matakot." It means, "Struggle! Do not be afraid."

Thank you, friends.
@GovMurphy will be on WNYC tonight at 7:00 p.m. Visit http://AskGovMurphy.org  and call in to ask what he is doing to #endICEdetention in New Jersey and #FreeThemAll.

You shouldn't need to be on hunger strike or infected with COVID-19 to deserve freedom.
@Immigration_NNJ and @NorthNJDSA for weekly phone zaps and @CentralNJDSA ://twitter.com/Immigration_NNJ/status/1284174317832503298?s=20

@jkefka @EphrosJake @KatiaOltmann @Ayssshhhh, among countless other amazing comrades in that world.
@RW4BL_ for the daily vigil updates at Bergen jail in solidarity with the ICE hunger strike. @afscJustice https://twitter.com/RW4BL_/status/1333949203463147521?s=20
@SolomonforJC @RLavarro @charliemetzger @caitlin_ps who fought w/folks above since '18 @theryanmoser @mdevens @MerryBithBatts @EleanaLittle @RonBautistaNJ @jenny4tang who attend FH mtgs. @Oseguera2020 roving progressive/fav madman. @AMYWILSON 🖤

Too many to name - Solidarity
@MaketheRoadNY @MaketheRoadNJ and @nlgnyc OF COURSE. This is why I hate lists. There are too many incredible people leading different fronts of the fight. Feel free to drop actions below. I need to throw away my phone for a few hours.
You can follow @AmyTorresNJ.
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