Occult ritual thread. Final chapter. Atto XX
"Know thyself and you will know the Uni-verse and the Gods" Oracle of Delphi
When one walks the convoluted paths that twist amongst the Mysteries of our reality, one comes inescapably vis-à-vis with the dark side of our consciousness
There is an invisible malady that has been afflicting humanity since the days of Old. An inter-dimensional race of beings closely connected to the occult set of beliefs that enable the Olympians to manipulate and control our lives. These spiritual vampires have many names
Anunnaki, Archons, Asuras, Demons or the Sons of Gods.
While there is a plethora of contemporary material available, it appears very little has been written on what these ancient "beings" actually are and if we are to defeat our enemy we must first, truly understand its nature.
The viscous traces left by these entities can be found in the ancient ruins and relics of our past, in the ecstatic, visionary shamanic experiences across all cultures and ages and in every mythology conceived by humanity.
In the tales on fairies of the alleged medieval times,
the practices of black magick by a certain Satanic cult, and even our modern-day documented accounts of the alien abduction experience, we seemingly find evidence of these agencies of the underworld everywhere. These ephemeral actors are imbued within the architectural creations
littered throughout the world. It's almost as if these invisible entities are clandestinely announcing their presence behind the scenes while quietly charting the course of humanity. Once we lift the veil and truly see, we uncover a whole slew of parallels and patterns which
ultimately culminate in a cornucopia of commonality and continuity. In essence what one discovers is that the Fairy People, the shamanic visionary encounters, mythological deities, evoked thought-forms and "aliens" are all qualitatively equivalent. They aren’t mutually exclusive
separate phenomena but rather different forms or manifestations of the same recurring spiritual occurrence that has been transpiring since the dawn of recorded history. What more, one finds the non-ordinary state of consciousness associated with these beings itself is evolving.
To be continued. Good night.
"The gods did smell the savour, the gods did smell the savour sweet, the gods gathered like flies around the man making sacrifice."
The Epic of Gilgamesh.
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