It’s easy for folks to try and discredit defund the police
People also don’t get that I’m not really advocating for residency, but making a point about how resources are extracted out of Black and Brown and poor communities
In Syracuse, schools are funded by property taxes. 95% of our police don’t live in the city. Our taxpayer dollars funds their communities.
Syracuse is one of the poorest cities in the country. It has the highest concentrated poverty among Blacks and Latinos nationally.
Nearly 50% of our properties are tax exempt.
Graduation rates hover around 50%, meaning half of our kids don’t graduate with a high school diploma
The overpolicing, the extraction of resources, the limited property tax revenue, the underfunded schools create an ecosystem akin to a tale of two cities
Suburbs around Syracuse have great schools, beautiful parks, great property values.
This means that kids in those communities have all of the benefits and promises of the American dream
Syracuse was impacted by redlining, urban renewal and the interstate highway system. These each interact to facilitate money to flow out of the city center, to the suburbs
We in Onondaga County have significant levels of segregation. 9th most segregated county nationwide, most segregated school borders in a county in NYS
The relationship between our depleted tax base and city employees - police - who are paid $100k a year, have pensions and health benefits for life, and the impact that has on Syracuse poverty is why we have to have a serious discussion about budgets
21% of our budget goes to policing, with 91% of that budget being focused on salaries and fringe benefits. Meanwhile, very little goes to neighborhood and business development, parks and recreation, and youth services
The very things we know increase quality of life and enhance public safety, get the least amount of funding. Meanwhile, we’re paying officers to help other communities get rich
And it’s more than that. Last week, the city settled hundreds of thousands of dollars in police excessive force lawsuits
Last year, the city had judgements for millions of dollars, two cases were $1 million each. In a city that is poor, that can barely provide essential services, We’re not only making suburbs rich, we’re paying for lawsuits for officer misconduct
It continues: for decades schools suspended students at such disproportionate rates, that NYS AG determined they were violating their civil rights and violated NY Constitution
This not only implicates the graduation rate, but helps to funnel Black and Brown youth into the school to prison pipeline
Budgets are limited and show what you value. They are moral documents. There is an ecosystem that keeps the cycle of poverty which continues to be used to justify more and more police.
Instead of counselors, crisis interventionists, mentors, employment programs, mental and public health services, etc. we choose police
To add to the absurdity: during COVID, we had to make draconian cuts to budgets guessed it, the police budget
And it’s not just that we didn’t cut the police budget, we also had hundreds of thousands of dollars in overtime..when we were all on lockdown mind you. Unjustifiably.
We do not prioritize what we know are the best practices
We fund systems that criminalize Black and Brown and poor folks; incarcerate them; deny them education; and reallocate resources out of their communities. All while making sure white, suburban communities have everything they need to thrive
Defunding the police is about refunding communities of color the money that is extracted from them. Not just the systemic racism they endure and terrorism they experience by officers who are not held accountable for misconduct
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