Thread of Mary Jane Watson kicking ass

MJ saves Spider-Man:
Mary Jane saves herself.... then saves Peter
Mary Jane saves her co-worker
Mary Jane has a mean left hook
MJ has a weaponized purse
Mary Jane is secretly a super-villian and has terrible tickle powers that can take down Spider-Man
Mary Jane escapes Kaine with water blast to the face
Mary Jane knocks out and humiliates the Chameleon...
... and then laughs about it 😈😈😈
MJ takes out Hobgoblin henchmen
Mary Jane shoots the Norman Osborn, the Green Goblin, on a bridge
MJ takes down stalker at the bar after training with Captain America (not sure she needs it but hey... every lil bit helps)
Mary Jane brings down Swarm
Mary Jane takes out the White Rabbit!
Mary Jane helps Peter save everybody in Spider-Island after getting temporary Spider powers
Mary Jane takes out mini-Goblins using Peter's web shooters she keeps stashed away for emergencies!
MJ dons the Iron Spider costume to help take down Regent
Mary Jane defends her nightclub by taking down Masque
MJ puts the hurt on Venom with sonics and fire
Mary Jane hatches a scheme to take down the female Electro with an epic monologue that not only saves the day, it makes her rediscover her passion for acting!
MJ goes head to head with a New York city subway Troll with a big Miles Morales assist!
Mary Jane puts the smack down on Norman Osborn with a lamp, one of her top weapons of choice!
Mary Jane takes and bests the Savage Six
Peter tells the truth of Mary Jane Watson. Long before the Raimi films, she had repeated subverted and reversed the role of "damsel in distress" in the comics. One of the greatest failures in the films is not realizing this and not giving her the credit her character deserves.
Peter says "I've never had to worry about MJ the way I worried about Gwen. MJ can handle herself when she needs to. My wife is strong. My wife is smart. My wife is everything I could never be without that bite from the spider."
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