Something odd is coming where for the first time there’s a cultural, political, even financial shift that isn’t ever reported by the news, the narrative will be that Trump lost and everyone crawled back in their holes while the reality you see in the street will not match this...
Not sure how it manifests but a massive upheaval is almost guaranteed, the blackpiller/wignat says there will never be a Trumpist party but I’m not so sure about that, I’ve never seen a larger, more loyal, pissed off, disenfranchised totally maligned U.S. group in my lifetime...
It only takes watching these hearings held in hotel conference rooms and other “illegitimate” venues and to see these Michigan women speaking like normal angry people, the entire thing with the most anti-elite air I’ve seen, maybe ever, impossible not to support and love...
Trump’s lawyers being suspended from Twitter, every tweet labeled as “disputed,” total media uniformity in support of Democrat lies; only a fool could see any of this as a loss, this is the recipe for a massive backlash that makes 2016 look like a barely visible political blip...
And yet the darker side of this is everyone knows a lot of people aren’t going to think of this as an opportunity to org politically or form a party, as much as they will see it as a provocation to fulfill patriotic duty, to quite viscerally resist a hostile foreign-aided coup...
Which arguably has been the aim of the worst global finance scumbags all along, a match taken to one big nasty powder keg of nails to finally bring about a hell-age of surveillance and control we’ve never seen, so many of us sense it and yet also see it as inevitable...
Despite whatever awful results lie ahead it’s impossible to deny the people testifying in these hearings couldn’t be more opposite to democrat politicians, The absolute arch enemy of the elite lib. The contrast is inspiring, don’t think I’ve ever seen anything quite like it.
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