so uh... some personal news... I'm going to start using my real name and face for this account
why, you ask? I've been slowly getting to know people through twitter over the last year. it's been really fun, but limited. I want to increase the slope of that graph. a bunch of people said or implied they're more reluctant to reach out to an avatar than a human.
I also feel a bit of the same interacting with anon alt accounts, even though most of you are awesome and kind enough to be doing free therapy, education and/or not-investment-advice on the internet
like sure, in theory nowadays you can work anonymously and get paid via bitcoin address but that doesn't sound very fun for me. I like people. and machines. hence my line of work. also opsec is annoying af. so I'm um. unmasking.
what's going to change?
-hopefully more DMs and coffees
-getting to know more of you strange wonderful people

what's not?
-potentially career-limiting tweets have already moved to other alts
-memes will continue
shoutouts to @Goltra @KyleJCooper @acekalama for correctly ID-ing me
I rediscovered @kevinakwok's tweet thanks to @thlpr and it's eerie how accurate it was, though "main" has not been real "main" since early 2019
someday I'll write a thread about alting vs maining but this took enough energy
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