Today is #internationaldayofpeoplewithdisability . dear non-disabled folks, this day is about us but it is a day for you as well. try and be good allies. World is a better place when PWDs are integrated in the society through inclusive means. How can you be a good ally.
1.Amplify the voices of persons with #disabilities . read and watch artifacts by artists and writers with disability. Share them and their message. #DisabilityDay
2. understand that persons with disability are not inspirational beings. We are humans in flesh and blood. Also, sympathy is the last thing we need. treat us like any other humans. y other humans. #DisabilityDay #Disability
3. if you are not sure what a person with disability needs, please take care to ask them. Well, we are in good position to tell what we need. don’t assume that we are always in need of your help. We appreciate when you help us with our consent.
4. disability is only one identity we have. The experience of disability can differ depending on other identities such as gender and caste. Do not reduce us to our identity of disabled.
5. on a related note, we like when we are remembered for our work. I am sure you would not like to be remember for being a UC or a man, so put our individuality before our disability. Person first, disability second.
6. there are many terms to refer to us. while there is some debate on this, most of us prefer persons with disability. This is the international convention. Also, we hate you if you refer to us as “divyang”. #saynotodivyang #DisabilityDay
7. if you have the power to improve the accessibility of your workplace, do it. We love to work in places which respect our needs. Do not wait for a PWD to be hired to make things accessible. #a11y #workplace
8. if you have the power to hire, hire PWDs. Hire us for our talent and not to tick your diversity box. If you are unable to find the required skill in PWDs, reach out to organizations working in the disability sector. they will help you.
9. if you are a parent, let your kid meet kids with disability. Trust me, this will make your kid a great human in future and understand the value of human diversity.
#DisabilityDay #parenting
10. make sure that you do as many as things in an accessible way. For example, make sure that your social media posts are accessible. #a11y
This list is not exhaustive and I welcome all persons with disability to add to this. the disability rights movement is not about persons with disability. It is about making an inclusive world together.
You can follow @mtonykurian.
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