No, I don't wanna talk about it; a thread.

Trans people don't want to discuss our existence with you. We don't want to debate our existence with you, because there is absolutely nothing to be gleaned from any argument you may have.

To summarize: we're right, you're wrong.
The existence of transgender people is, unfortunately, a hotly contested, political topic when it absolutely has no grounds to be. We are people, we exist, and we're fed up to the gills of hearing your continual attempts to "logically" break down our existence.
To be frank, there are no factual arguments you can make against us wishing to exist in peace, much like you can't make any for cisgender people in the same vein.

When you choose to walk this path of attempting to dissuade us from our existence, you are choosing hate.
When you mention trans suicide rates and "not wanting more people to kill themselves", what you're actually doing is causing trans people to crawl back into their shell and cry themselves to sleep at night, potentially leading to them ending their lives anyway.
When you mention using the "wrong" bathrooms, you cause trans people to live in fear of even going near a public bathroom because popular perception is we are predators in a public space looking for prey.
Some of us hold it in, risking organ damage to avoid facing bigotry.
When you tell trans kids they are too young to use puberty blockers so that their body doesn't end up ruined by their default puberty, you're taking away that child's agency in the direction of their life. You're telling them they can't think or feel for themselves.
When you tell us we are not "real men" or "real women" or that NB people "aren't a thing", you're telling us that not only do we not fit in the gender assigned to us at birth, but neither do we fit the gender with which we feel most comfortable.
So, there's no place for us?
I came out with the pain of pretending for 31 years to be a boy. There was a lot of pent up, agonizing emotion sitting there beneath the surface. I was borderline suicidal in my teens because I hated his body with a fiery passion and I wanted out of it.
I've lived a significant portion of my life on anti-depressants that suppressed my every emotion and turned me into a husk of a person.
Now that I've come out, and I'm a proud transgender woman?
It's the best I've ever felt. I may never need antidepressants again. I am HAPPY.
My story is not every trans person's story, but I can tell you, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that questioning how we live our lives, existing how we feel most comfortable, you are taking away our agency, and that's just not your call.

So please, shut the fuck up.
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