Can we be honest here for a second?

There is no mass voter fraud conspiracy, and the people claiming otherwise are mostly doing it to make a buck or get attention.
These claims have been laughed out of courts across the country and rejected by Trump’s own DOJ. The campaign has even distanced itself from Powell & co.

You’re being asked to believe the most outlandish, unbelievable story in American history.

There is no reason to believe it.
Lots of conservatives don’t want to say that because it’ll cost anyone who does followers and earn angry DMs.

Thousands of people follow me who will angrily disagree with this take. Many will unfollow me for not being a sufficient believer.

It’s still bullshit.
And not only does this undermine confidence in the peaceful transition of power, it detracts from the real issue of voter fraud that has taken - and will continue to take - place.

Heritage Foundation tracks these cases in a handy database: 
But what it comes down to is that you’re being lied to by people who stand to benefit from you believing their lies.

They’ve had weeks to offer evidence of what they say is the most consequential conspiracy in the history of the country.

They haven’t. And they won’t.
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