For six months, Nebraska counties thought they would have CARES Act money withheld by Gov. Pete Ricketts if they had a courthouse mask mandate. It started with a guidance document on May 29.

Ricketts backed up his stance on June 15.

“It’s their option, if they don’t want to follow the guidelines, they won’t be eligible for the CARES Act money. But that’s certainly their prerogative if they want to do that.”
Thayer County enacted a courthouse mask mandate. Jefferson County followed on Nov. 10. I asked if funds would be withheld.

“I have not heard of any counties who have issued a mask mandate for their courthouses. We’ll have to investigate that and then get back to you on that.”
I followed up on Nov. 12.

“The policy as is still stands but we will certainly reconsider that if there’s compelling reason to do so.”
Yesterday (Dec. 1), the Governor's Office confirmed a statement given to me by NEMA.

"The no-mandate requirement covered the reimbursement period ending May 31, 2020. Counties that impose mandates after that period of time, will not have CARES Act resources withheld."
Today (Dec. 2): why did you change your policy?

“It wasn’t a change of policy, it’s just the timing of it was such that we made the decision how much we were going to cover for afterwards.”
When did you make this decision?

“That was something that again was an evolving issue. We made that decision, I think it was sometime in July with regard to the May 31 numbers and the presumed payroll.”
Did you tell the counties about the decision?


Why not?

"Because, again, my policy still is don’t deny any citizen of Nebraska services. With regard to our state services, we wanted counties to continue to make sure they were providing our services.”
Will you consider withholding possible funds from future stimulus packages?

“If any citizen is denied services because of a county mask mandate, that could be something that, for future CARES Act money, could create a problem.”
How did this impact counties? Lancaster County didn't issue a courthouse mask mandate in order to remain eligible for CARES funds. Commissioner @ChristaForNE says the county would have passed a mandate in July if they knew they wouldn't lose funds.
Will Lancaster County Commissioners consider a courthouse mask mandate knowing this new information? @ChristaForNE says they will.

“I’m really sorry we didn’t already have this in place.”
How much money is at stake in this decision?

It's unclear, but Ricketts set aside $180 million for reimbursements for state and local governments.
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