The thing that bugs me more than anything else about the way Trump and Republicans are trying to undermine the election results: months ahead of the election people explained that the *exact* situation that played out... would play out.
So much of Trump’s incoherent speech today was him going “how did this haaaaappen?! I had a lead! And then IT JUST DISAPPEARED! Seems suspicious!”

But... just... we knew this was how the results would trend!
In the states Trump’s throwing a fit about, the Republican legislatures in them made a choice to block people from counting mail-in votes until election day (and in some PA counties, until the day after).

That’s why people were like “so there’s a thing called the ‘red mirage.’”
This guy had laid out exactly what would happen, why it would happen and why it wasn’t an irregularity.

Anyone arguing Trump’s point is either a liar or they’re stupid.
So whenever you hear someone go “uh, but... irregularities!” ask if they’re lying or if they’re stupid. Those are the two options.
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