White man murders 19-year-old Black Teen because he felt (and society reinforced) it was his right to do so.

There. Fixed it for you. https://twitter.com/democracynow/status/1334292526321250306
This kid didn't die because their music was too loud.

This man didn't kill them because their music was too loud.

The Black teen was killed by the white man because the white man saw them as less human.

The music wasn't the problem.
The very addition of "for playing music too loudly" does a couple things logistically, regardless of the actual intent.

It insinuates that the teen was at least partly to blame for their death

It takes at face value the perspective of the murderer
This isn't some conservative rag. It's Democracy Now. Leftist AF.

But the racism inherent in the framing persists nevertheless.

I doubt it's intentional. It's just unexamined. And that's not much better. Worse in some cases.
The fact is that you could replace "Playing music too loudly" with pretty much anything.

"White Man Kills Black Teen [Because Reasons]"

Just about nothing you put in the brackets matters.

But making the space for it does. And not in a good way
The other subtle linguistic artifact here is the use of passive construction. [Black Teen] [Shot dead] [By white man].

This is inferentially different than [White man] [Shoots dead] [Black teen]

In the latter, the actions of the actor is primary focus.
The former construction amounts to [Black teen] [Killed] [By white man] {Because reasons]

Take out [By white man] and you have [Black teen] {killed] [Because reasons]
Compare that construction to the converse.

[White man] [Kills] [Black teen] [Because Reasons]

Remove [Black teen] and you have [White man] [Kills] [Because reasons]

Different focus, different feel.
Let's get rid of [Because Reasons] as we discussed earlier.

"Black teen Killed"

"White man Kills"

Which headline do you think is going to be reflexive for white people given the choice?

Particularly in a nation where Black lives matter is a controversial statement.
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