Mueller issued HOW MANY INDICTMENTS during his Special Counsel investigation over 18 months? Over 30, I think it was.

When he was **finished** with his Special Counsel investigation, Mueller ended with a report.

So will Durham.

But indictments will come before the report.
What they're not telling you is Barr designating Durham as a new Special Counsel is that he's investigating the PREVIOUS Special Counsel's Office as part of his criminal probe.

Somehow @LeeSmith managed to write an **entire column** for Epoch on Durham without mentioning this.
Remember, I'm the guy who made these memes. I told you where this was going long before we got here.

It was **officially revealed** yesterday that

1. A new Special Counsel had been appointed by Barr
2. It was Durham
3. The Mueller SCO is a **target** of the NEW SCO.
The **evidence** clearly showed that the prosecution of Flynn & the evidence used to start Crossfire Hurricane at the FBI were based on fraud.


Andy they got CAUGHT.
Every single document US Attorney Jeffrey Jensen found in the DC US Attorney's office that the Mueller SCO was working out of in the Flynn case had the **official stamp of the Mueller SCO on it.


Since Jensen handed off the first batch of sealed documents from the Mueller SC's office to Sidney Powell, people have been SCREAMING for an investigation of the Mueller Special Counsel along with the leadership of the Comey FBI & the Crossfire Hurricane team.

Researchers who dug into this like @tracybeanz and @themarketswork knew **months** before it was announced that Durham was leading multiple US Attorney's in SpyGate related cases before Barr made it official in May 2019.

Same thing just happened.
Hell nobody knew Barr had tasked Jensen with being a sort of "Special Counsel" to go in and probe the Flynn case when he did it in early January. We didn't find out he'd done it until he TOLD THE MEDIA in late February, I think it was.
You think Durham **just started functioning as a Special Counsel**, with that expanded scope & spiffy new Special Counsel powers on Oct. 19?

That's a PIECE OF PAPER informing other people of what had already happened.
No, Durham didn't get his spiffy new Special Counsel scope & powers bestowed on him by Barr on Oct. 19.

That was when Barr put something to paper & made it official for the record, what Durham had **already been doing for some time now**.
It may have happened over a year ago, who knows?

How funny is that? All the media talking heads SCREAMING for a Special Counsel to be appointed to investigate RussiaGate and...

while they're all bitching & moaning on your TV **Barr already did it quietly some time ago**.
And it didn't leak and you didn't KNOW he'd done this until HE TOLD YOU.

Silent professionals.

That's what we've got here in Durham and in Barr.

Even when they do what you DEMAND OF THEM, they'll let you know when they're good and ready.
I mean, how did you think this was going to go down?

A profusely sweating Barr calls a hasty press conference, kowtowing to MEDIA PRESSURE and announces "OK you guy's lighting a fire under my ass, I heard you, here's you're Special Counsel..."


Don't be stupid.
Sean Hannity, Gateway Pundit, Last Refuge, NONE of these guys have any influence over what he does and when he does it.

Neither does the Lefty media.

That's why he's awesome.
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