You see doctrinal arguments? Avoid!

I'm sure your teachers didn't argue with you before you learnt that topic?..

Wisdom should teach you somethings, The goal is to help not to show Muscles

Another reasons to avoid it, it's that it stirs up strife, quarrels etc
Imagine using several hours and days to learn about a certain topic but it's 20mins argument and fight you want to use to teach another person

It doesn't make sense!

The Point is not to win TL battles but souls

Instead of the arguments, kindly point them to sermons ♥️
Another thing to note is that why you get angry that someone isn't getting something right

Did you know you didn't always know what you know today?

You were taught my brethren, so why act like they gave birth to you with it?

It's the same way other people learn
If your leader didn't argue with you to know what you know, why trying to argue here and there?

You say Contend for the Faith, Do you know that is to unbelievers? People who oppose the gospel? Paul did that alot,
Now concerning doctrines, you can't be correcting another believer in harshness when you are not their leader

In 1 Corinthians, They had different beliefs while in Christ, they argued amongst themselves no one could help out them straight
Until Paul wrote to them to correct Alot of things as a Leader!

You can't be correcting your fellow Christian in such tune. Talking on correcting one another

Romans 15:1 tells us how best to go about it.

Also scripture say we should also do in Kindness
As Long as you are not their leader, argument doesn't cut it

I'm of Paul
I'm of Apollos
I'm of Christ

They didn't agree till Paul set them straight.

Let wisdom teach you that Just as you hold strong to some certain things

Some hold strong to theirs
And it's amazing that some will show you from the scriptures why they do.

Because of this we see Division in the body but the truth is our unity should be based on the fact that we believe in Jesus
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