Yesterday I was at an event hosted by a non-profit organization I volunteer for. Good organization, does good work, respected in the community etc. About 35 of us were there, diverse demographic, from CEOs to laborers.
I was the only one without a mask.
2. One of the leaders of the organization, a religious fellow, high energy, enthusiasm, go-getter type comes up to me. "Hey are you cool, do you need a mask?"
"Oh, I'm cool."
Awkward pause.
"Are you going to make me wear one?"
Hint- nobody makes me do shit.
I'm not the sort of person you look at and think, -Yeah, he looks cooperative.
He kindly said
"No, it's all good, we're cool."
He feels awkward, and so the the people around me.
After a couple speeches, we eat. All 35 people take their masks off to eat at tables of 4+.
Then there's a group photo. Everyone wears their masks for the photo. Everyone except me with my smiling face, looking like I'm not afraid of a virus with a 99.5% recovery rate.
I was conflicted. Not because people were uncomfortable, I enjoy that. I was conflicted because they are good people. They volunteer, they make a difference, they actually work for free in the community to help people's lives. I actually respect these people. And yet...
Most of these people are Christians. The most frequent directive in the Bible is to not be afraid. Christians are supposed to believe in objective truth. How is this group of people so willing to at worst, live in fear, or at best participate in a charade?
If this were a college safe space or DNC office, I get it. But these were real people. Half male, half female college students and seniors, every race and demographic represented. All wearing masks. Except when they ate because COVID is only contagious between the tables.
Christians warn of a coming apocalypse where you have to have a mark in order to buy and sell. Yet none of these Christians have any problem wearing a mask in order to buy or sell. Maybe Christians are just passive? What would it take for them to stand up an not wear a mask?
Christians of yesteryear crossed oceans to face certain death to spread religion to savages. Are these people those type of Christian? Do they fear death? I don't know... I thought that was part of the deal you signed up for when you got baptized.
I respect Christianity, I respect these people. Are they afraid of a virus with a 99.5% recovery rate? I don't know. Are they only pretending to be afraid to comply with a social norm? If so, isn't that the opposite of what Christianity is supposed to be?
Obviously a mask isn't a faith issue. But am I not supposed to judge a belief system by its followers? How does one appraise a religion if not by the behavior of the adherents? How can a group of people who believe in truth and have no fear not have one unmasked among them?
If you've read this entire thread, you deserve a cookie.
If you're a Christian, what am I missing? Is it a best practice to wear a mask just to get along? Is this how it is around your Christian friends?
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