I do believe the vaccine will probably let us leave our houses by next summer so I would gently suggest that people start preparing for that.

Mentally, emotionally, financially, physically...
If you’ve been *actually* quarantining or social distancing, this will be a tremendous change for you. I feel it might be unsettling and a bit destabilizing for some
My recommendations would be to save money if you can. If you don’t have the money to do the fun things your friends are doing, that will probably be depressing. Consider that you’ll want new clothes, experiences, etc
Check in on your relationships. Have you been keeping in contact with people you might want to hang out with after quarantine? If not, it might be harder to have people to be with after this.

Also, romantic relationships. If you’ve been alone this year, I would try to be
Intentional about how you’re going to re-enter (or not!) the dating scene, so you don’t end up in situations you don’t want or relationships too quickly.

If you’ve been partnered and y’all are strong, talk about what the change is going to look like when you’re no longer
Around each other 24/7. If your relationship has been struggling during the pandemic, think about whether you want to end it or whether it was mostly stress, mental illness, etc. If you rushed into a relationship for companionship but plan on ending it after the pandemic...
It might be better for you to be honest about that, lest you hurt the person or stay in a relationship you don’t want
Also! It might be fun to make a list of things and people you want to see and do. Something to look forward to and it might not feel so overwhelming when you finally can leave
Most importantly, you will have survived a genocide. Sit with the magnitude of the death that has occurred and examine yourself so that you’re not being offensive. Think about how you’re going to mourn, so the force of your mourning doesn’t knock you out
I think we’ve all been dissociating to survive and when we emerge and realize that this was a horrific genocide, it’s gonna hit us in terrible ways. I think we might suffer from survivor’s guilt a lot
Don’t get lost in your own happiness and forget the communities that still need support to rebuild after covid.
Tw: weight gain, weight loss

Your body is very likely different now than it was in March. I don’t know that looks like for you, but be aware of it and how it will make you feel and ALWAYS be gentle with yourself.
One thing I’m worried about is people struggling deeply when maybe they realize that their favorite clothes no longer fit. That can be really upsetting, might want to talk to your therapist about it beforehand, especially if you struggle with an eating disorder
Re: long-distance relationships.

I would recommend getting excited to see each other. Try to focus on the excitement of seeing each other rather than how frustrating it’s been to be apart. Connect a little bit more, or maybe pull back more? a list of things you’re going to do
And I strongly recommend couples therapy, even if you don’t think it’s an issue
Going on trips together imo is a good way to rekindle a long-distance relationship. Don’t cling to each other like water in the desert! Enjoy each other, think about the good things that came out of you all being apart as well as the sad parts. Maybe you accomplished a
Professional goal? Maybe you learned more about yourself? Maybe one partner did all the cooking and now you’ve learned how to do that, etc.
ALSO, this may seem counterproductive, but prepare for it NOT to be over by next summer. Accept that possibility in your mind to avoid uncontrollable rage or excessive suicidal ideation.

I say “uncontrollable” and “excessive” bc I believe rage and suicidal thoughts are
Actually quite normal and common during this time, and you’re probably going to feel it. Stay as safe as possible while recognizing that it’s almost impossible to have a healthy mental state rn
But have some hope! I do believe things will get better soon, I’m already hearing whispers of healthcare workers getting the vaccine within the month.
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